A place for Squishy!

All-in-all it was a pretty good weekend. Dinner out Friday night for a much needed girls night- with two spilled drinks (only ONE of which was my doing), and about an hour of evil stares from the waitress after we were there 3 hours, Saturday was non-stop and the Sunday was a stroll to the in-laws and Lowes and home to make more room for Squishy!

Our neighbors were kind enough to give us their crib and changing table for baby, so we cleaned them off and tried to get them situated on the room before getting tired and realizing it could wait a while before final decisions were made. Managed to get about 8 trash bags of "stuff" cleared and ready to go to the infamous Yard Sale this weekend, and Hubby Dearest did a full 360 house cleaning on Saturday while I was out.

It is so hard to believe that I am alreday 12 weeks along! Almost through with the first Trimester. I had the audacity to mutter that sentence to my husband along with the fact that the nausea and tiredness should be subsiding, and in what must be a cruel joke from the "Powers that be" I was up sicker than I have ever been on Saturday night! Then Sunday since Baby isn't technically here, there were no Mothers Day gifts awaiting... Boo-to you too Winnie-the-Pooh! Luckily his mother knows the drill and my daddy got me flowers last weekend and sent me a picture of my little growing Vienna sausage!

Taking a day off tomorrow, don't get too excited there, it is anything BUT a day of relaxation- 3 appointments back to back. Good News is that appointment one should be the last fertility specialist appointment! Appointment Two is my first "stab" at acupuncture (pun intended!), and Appointment Three is running a close second for my most nervous and exciting appointment of the day (right behind seeing my little swimmer of course!). 

In other news- I am going to be an aunt..... insert crickets here. My oldest brother (who is still almost a year to the date younger than me), informed me that he is going to be a dad. I am still not sure if his on and off again girlfriend is the expectant, or if it is one of the random ones that have gone in and out over the years, months or weeks. I also know that this is round TWO for him, as one of them was allegedly expecting at one point and lost the baby. Now, I don't ask questions, and I try not to judge- BUT- I am big sister, and that kinda trumps any other previous statements.

My parents were very young parents, some people say that they didn't mature much past when they had me- some say that only one did- either way, as a child of a "split" family I know first hand how much it sucks. Sucks isn't even the correct word- if you put every expletive you know in front of the word sucks, then you get a smidge closer to the actuality. My grandmother had alot (a majority) to do with my well being- regardless of what others say, believe or fantasize. My parents were too young to handle the responsibilities of being parents- I don't know how he can't see that.

I went through HELL with all the court dates and custody battles and the "moms house" and "dads house," the he said/ she said, the 20 questions about everything that happened, every conversation, every new article of clothing or toy- I got it from both sides. More from my father and stepmother, but my own mother had her share of "how bad it is at your dads" rants and raves. Not to mention- he still lives with his mom! When not hopping back and forth between friends and acquaintances that is- so he HAS to see what my youngest brother is going through with the back and forth right now. Is it wrong if I give him a list of attorneys for Fathers Day?? I just feel that in this day and age there is NO EXCUSE for unplanned pregnancies. It sounds like someones attempt at keeping a relationship or a cry for attention- either of which should not involve having a child!

Now I love my brother, and I will love my niece/ nephew- but they will become an example for my children to come about why you need to make good decisions and the consequences that follow not so good ones. Also, family members reading this- obviously, it has not been announced- so simply call me Martha Stewart and place you bets on the next round of "Who's having the next grand-baby!"

and P.S.- Stick THAT in your juicebox and suck it! It didn't happen to me!!! :)


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