Weekend Part One

 Saturday morning came way too quickly, up at 6:30 and unable to fall back asleep I got up to pay bills before getting ready for my little brothers First Communion. Now, I've got to be honest, I was very timid about attending. I don't see some of my siblings much, and since the stepmother is now "ex-stepmother" it's not exactly all roses in that relationship.

 Nonetheless, I still have 2 sisters, that I haven't seen or talked in about 2 years before I got married. I wanted them (all my sisters) in my wedding, but due to a nasty divorce and a not so nice argument, none of them were in it. Luckily, I have cousins to spare and my family again surrounded me and made our wedding amazing. 

In my nervousness, I skipped breakfast (I can feel Squishy still holding a grudge over me for that), and I luckily remembered to grab my last apple juice for the road. After parking and waiting, a lovely comic book clad pair of boxer shorts appeared in my window as Jacob (Closest sibling in age) thought getting a good moon in before Communion was appropriate! 

To my delight my sister Alex and even my "Grandma Atlanta" seemed pleasantly surprised to see me. It was kind of special to watch my little brother make his First Communion in the same place I did in what feels like  a lifetime ago. My sister Sydney is in my pictures, and she isn't even one year old! Afterwards we managed to get a picture of all of us together. I tried to think of the last time that we had one, with all 6 of us, and it was probably Linus' Baptism. 

Family is and always has been important to me, which is why I take things so personally and am so easily hurt by certain things, but when it's right- it's right. I hope that in a few months ALL my siblings will make it to the baby shower and to see their niece or nephew.

me, Alex (19), Sydney (16), Jacob (23), Zach (22 on Wednesday), and Linus


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