A picture is worth a thousand words...

My newest desire: maternity pics. Along with that: pictures I would NEVER want taken while pregnant!

I have decided to seek out someone for maternity pictures- it's a "fad" right now and I am jumping on the wagon. I love pictures, scrapbooking and basically documenting everything that I can- I don't think I am alone either! So I have found a few of my favorite poses that I am hoping to replicate in some way shape or form.

This is my FAVORITE! I love the book, I love the setting, I love the shirt- I just love this picture. Now, in my little creative mind, I have decided that since little man will debut into a Nemo/ocean room. I want to do this with Rainbow Fish or Nemo and have it be either on a beach or (ideally) in front of an aquarium. Now, I'm not planning any trips to Ripleys aquarium in Myrtle Beach anytime soon- but Oh man- it would be PERFECT!! Hoping that one of the local zoos or aquariums has something that I can make work, because this is amazing and just right up my little alley!

The aquarium at the top is from Ripleys in Myrtle- it is right at the entrance and is so COOL- I have about five million pictures from Ripleys every time we go, and I love them all- I was seriously born in the wrong state- the stork got lost and missed the oceanside mansion that I was really meant to grow up in! I would also love to get a picture on the same bridge as we did in our engagement pictures and then get one when Baby Boy is older... like a time lapse.

We are big beach fans- so this would also be up our alley. A different variation would be with each of us in our fire boots- it would also be funny to most people that know us because hubby is rarely seen without his navy pant and works boots- so to me, it just shows his "home" side. Assuming I will still be able to get my swollen feet into fire boots- it would be classic, since those are the "glass slippers" I wore for our wedding

<This is a cute set-up as well, I like that the little puppy is involved, and the stomach with baby shoes. Not sure how I feel about randomly lifting my shirt for hubby to hover beside me.... but I have seen it done much better.

>>>This couple used to be very good friends of ours- but sometimes bad situations happen and grief takes over... I still wish them the best and love their pictures from their little girl.

   This is Helga- a Polaris Razr Side by Side Four Wheeler. She was my graduation/ wedding gift. I am to this day the only person to ever put her upside down and test her roll cage. I have taken her through thick and thin and sadly can only admire her from afar these days. I think it would be funny to get a picture of hubby trying to put the baby carrier into her while I glare on... Twisted, yes... But this is coming from the same person that stabbed a rabbit to tell hubby that he successfully "killed the rabbit." It would be a very... unique picture- possibly borderline hillbilly, but at some point I suppose we should start embracing our neighbors and they DO say "If you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'EM!"

There are a few lines out there for potential picture takers.. hopefully someone bites and our thank-you cards will arrive with not just my fiftieth attempt at how to say thank-you without sounding like a Hallmark knock-off but with a non-creepy picture of our growing family (and belly!)


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