Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes

So the weekend brought back the every 4 hours a Zofran and the sporting of my Seabands. BUT today I got this:
"Holy Crap"- Daddy
While it saddens me that Daddy can't be here to see every appointment, I know that he will be there for the big ones, and then for all the other big moments in little Squishy's life. I guess I was also more nervous than I realized during the appointment, as I broke out in a mysterious rash on my chest that alarmed all the nurses as they withdrew what felt like 10 quarts of blood! Spinal testing and Thyroid testing next week, then a 2 week follow-up and then I will officially be done with Specialist #1, and onto the next! A very big move. Mother's Day is also nearing, and we are bursting trying not to tell anyone, and while I am getting rather "showy" as my husband says " we just avoid anyone with a keen eye."

The problem we will have this week is that the Lorax cake will be delivered to a VERY keen eyed house that would be beyond elated to know the news- so thank goodness it will be nice and cool Friday so I can get away with a loose sweatshirt (*intense sarcasm, as temps reach mid 80's!*), needless to say it will be a challenge.

Uncle T said that Baby Herbert was waving, or uh giving him the finger and that his brother should be installing an elevator for me after my little trip down the stairs last night! 

I think Uncle Crisp is still hoping for that giftcard rather than a niece/nephew- but you win some you lose some there buddy! It's kinda like getting the monkey chow....

It's nice to be able to have our family know, and it;s nice to know we will have the support and love from those that don't know yet, but it still tugs at my heartstrings that there are some that SHOULD care and SHOULD know and be happy, and they don't. I've always been told that I am too trusting, to eager to think everyone has good intentions, and too often I am proven wrong. Those people know who they are, and chances are they aren't reading- because that is the type of person they are deep down. Know that I did and still do care about you, and always will, but I refuse to let you hurt me anymore. I guess pregnancy gives you a new look at things, and I wouldn't want this little one to feel hurt or be put down or ignored, so I won't allow that to happen to me either. I am seeing the good, but still being practical.

On another note, just to gush in ANOTHER direction- I would like to say I have never been more proud of my husband, he was presented with a very difficult and opportunistic thing and he looked at all angles and did what would be best for us, for him, and for everyone else- he truly is the bravest, most wonderful man I know. Just another reason I am glad to have him next to me Five years and counting.


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