Livin on a Prayer...

"Oohhhhh.... we're half way there...."

Actually, a week beyond half way there, and yesterday- the official 21 week mark was nothing less than eventful. I managed to lose another "friend." At this point, I think I have changed my outlook of things and realized that people come and go- the friends that stick it out are the ones worth keeping- the ones that just come around when they want something- even if that something is just gossip to pass on to their own judgmental families- those friends are not worth it.

Three weeks until our first shower- and it is so hard to believe that we are getting to that point already! I know it will still be a little early for the traditional "shower time frame"- but it means alot to have my family there, and being able to catch the growing cousins before they traipse off to their various colleges and school lives means alot. I come from such a large family- that people don't believe me when I tell them that there are so many of us, and that I could name them all! I am so excited and can't wait. My grandpa is getting his wish- we are having a little great grandson for him since he already has a great grand-daughter, we were to have a boy just to "make sense of everything." On my mothers side, I do still have a great grandmother as well- but it's not exactly a "stable" relationship. She is crazy Grandma Johnson- you can only take so many letters of bible quotes about honoring thy mother and father and comments about how extravagant your life is before you just cut the ties. Senility play into alot of what used to arrive in those letters, but it was still easier to just keep communications to the general holiday/ birthday cards.

In other news-the husband is in the doghouse... and sadly has no realization of it- which is just further aggravating. Weekends are always trying- he gets bored very easily and sitting at home with nothing to do tends to bring out a bad mood. Add that to doing nothing and just laying around all day- and it just further adds to the boredom and frustration. Today he is out getting a new steering wheel and glove box for me. My glove box is very precariously held on and will only take one opening to do it in, and my steering wheel hasn't worked properly for over a year- no horn or cruise control. Now I can deal without the cruise control- although it is a wonderful amenity- but the horn is slightly important, Since my car does have a siren box in it- I have set had it set for the air horn (which lets be honest gets WAY more attention that the wimpy horn of grandma Taurus)- but even using it for a year now, I still get the reaction to push in the wheel at a moments notice rather than hit the little red button on my console. I am very happy that I have a husband that is as handy as he is, and there is no way that grandma would have made it over 190,000 miles without him and his diligence, but even grandmas start to age no matter what the medical advances!

So- why is the husband in trouble? Well, I have been annoyed at the lack of attention- I guess that is the most appropriate and easily understood word to use. I don't expect him to come and sit home to wait on me hand and foot- but at parties, it would be nice if he offered to get me a drink when he got one- or got me a chair to sit down, ya know a little cuddle time would be pretty nice to- rather than falling asleep under our his and hers comforters while he watches Family Guy and I count the minutes until the TV sleep timer turns it off. Helping with dinner or having dinner ideas without having to be prodded or bribed would be nice, and taking things downstairs within a day or so would also help... since the deep fryer and spare cleaning bottles have been sitting on our landing for 3 days now and I keep getting told they will get taken down. With my history of stairs, I don't carry anything down them- and especially not something with the potential to spill all over the place- like deep fry oil.

But all those "complaints" are nothing out of the ordinary for any married couple- I could probably list his complaints :You wait for me to do laundry (well, no, I wait until there is enough and I am home- you choose to do it when you are bored and I am inevitably not around), You wait for me to do dishes (again, no I wait until we have more than 5 glasses), you don't rinse dishes (to him "rinsing" is really "soaking." A "rinsed" bowl is really a bowl filled with water that sits in the sink still full of water and whatever remaining substance is there until dishes get done. I have an aversion to cold dish water- I blame my childhood for that, I actually rinse dishes and then stack them in an organized manner until they get done- we will argue that until we are 120!). The real reason that he is in the doghouse is because he called me weird.

Yesterday, 7/14/12 at 9:35pm- I was sitting on the couch waiting for him to get back from an open burn complaint (someone was burning something and the neighbors got mad- so they went to put it out), I was watching Pregnant in Heels- some rich woman had a haunted nursery and the other had a psycho dog that tried eating the fake baby- and I felt him! Now I have been able to feel him for a while now- my bladder reminds me everyday- especially while sitting. But this time I was sitting with my hands on my stomach and I could feel him- not once, but several times! It was the most surreal thing ever, brought tears to my hormonal little eyes. I couldn't wait for him to come home so he could feel him too! He came home, made himself some chicken fries for dinner and I asked if he would sit on the couch with me- to which he replied, well then I'll have to lay over you and I don't want to do that. I told him he needed to come put his hand on my stomach and he asked why- I said because you'll get kicked, his response "that is just weird." I went downstairs and went to bed before I could let the not so happy tears come out. 

I get that it still seems unreal and odd to him- but telling your wife, the one who has nearly weekly visits and has been poked and prodded in more places than Anna Nicole Smith, that you think what she is going through is "weird" is not a safe thing buddy. You better hope you don't ever get ED, or a pacemaker or a cath bag! Because I will have a field day with that... well that's just weird! You don't think I haven't had my fair share of moments where I sit back and go "Holy Crap!"? I sweat and leak and am bloated and enlarging over every possible surface- nothing fits- I randomly want french fries or would kill for an apple or a salad- I could cry a river at the animal abuse ads (something that I completely agree with our friend Margaret on- they were designed to prey on pregnant women!)- I have my own weirdness to get over- it is happening to ME! You should be a little more supportive and not make me feel like a leper or a one legged hippo! We will see how long Mama Hulk can hold her cool, but I have a feeling "Lucy's got some splainin' to do" when he gets home. 

Along a different coast- Vienna has successfully started to get the hang of the newly installed bells on the banister and door- and rings them when she needs to go outside... now our issue is getting her to come inside when we call her- she loves being outside and like a 2 year old puts everything in her mouth: dirt, rocks, flowers, weeds and one of her favorites- green beans (she gets one each time we go out to the garden- my little farmer!). 

Flowers from the garden.. and Vienna and her bean

Hopefully this week will have less ups and downs then last week, and the doctor visit Tuesday will clear me of additional appointments- next week we get an ultrasound and the week after is the family reunion (which sounds fun until I realize that it is a swim park and I really am not swim-suit friendly right now), then the family shower! This summer has flown- and I think it will only start to go faster as we get closer to D-Day and meeting the little man that has taken my heart! I guess we should start thinking of names for this kid.... but I think I will work on not being compared to ET for now- baby steps people!


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