I wish...

With all the modern technology, it is amazing how "open" people have gotten- I suppose myself included since this is a blog. I always wonder about the things people put on Facebook about how horrible their lives are.... "I'm so stressed", "I can't believe she said that",  "nothing is going my way." It's really quite annoying. 

No matter what challenges you have had to overcome in your life, if you are posting them on FB, then guess what, you seem to be doing pretty well. Obviously you have access to a computer, internet or more likely smart phone (I myself am still using a "dumb phone" and most of the time it gets the job done) They need to make a "pity party" button next to "Like" and I guarantee that the vague-booking will decrease and people will start refraining more from trying to get the sympathy of their 800+ Friends. 

A very wise teacher once taught me that if you surround yourself with negativity and bad thoughts, then you are bringing in the negativity that you complain so much about. Ghandi said "Be the change you want to see in the world." You want peace, you want hope, you want respect? The don't sit and complain "woe is me" every chance you get.


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