The remaining weekend..

So after the day of shopping and eating and more shopping and more eating- I made it home to catch up on the DVR shows- and One Born Every Minute was back!! I am obsessed with this show! It is hilarious, heartwarming, just good all around. I like the medical aspect. It is filmed at one of the busiest maternity wards in the NATION- Yay Riverside in C-bus! It makes me feel normal, and it's refreshing to see something real- no scripts, no fake tans, just real reactions to families welcoming their newest members. Later, I managed to make it through enough of the Indians game to have hope that we would pull through (We didn't but we managed to NOT be shut out- which is still impressive).

Sunday we decided that we would work on the garden and then clean my car. Well the garden lasted until the very late afternoon- but it is done (and the hose is 10 feet short of reaching it). Hopefully we'll be able to see our little seeds sprout and prosper over the next few weeks!

In other news- my car.... Oh my car, it seems to be an endless battle. New alternator, the hose behind the water pump, transmission cracks, it seems like it is always something! Well this weekend was no different. after leaving my windows down all (luckily rain and burglar free) Friday night, my love husband went to put them up and realized I had barely any battery. So tonight he is going to return the battery (that was purchased a mere 4 months ago). Luckily that is all it was- fingers crossed- that will be the last bump with "grandma" for a while. 

I am also getting a puppy! OK- So I do not have the puppy in my possession and I don't have the husbands approval for said puppy- but she was born Saturday morning, the runt of the 7 puppy litter. I've named her Vienna (like the sausages I inhaled as a small child), and she is adorable! Now if only I can get my husband to agree.... Good practice right?? 

Technically she is my "niece" if you buy into the whole dogs are real family members too. Franklin and Willow (dad's mini-weiner dogs) are my four legged siblings, and Vienna is theirs. Following this same logic, I assume this is the West Virginia branch of the family, and Thank Heavens Vienna came out with only four paws and both eyeballs in the right place! She's going to be all of 5 pounds if she avoids Jenny Craig- so really, how can he say no??....


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