Parassons and Puppies

So to top off what was one of probably the crappiest days in a while, we went to my grandparents after work to see my dad & Gina and little brother and new puppies! I got the "you got a little mean to my mom" talk from not being very social after screwing up the Yard Sale signs for her. And then got some quality quiet time out in the peaceful woods.

She wanted me to make these signs, ok so I am the family nominated "creative one", one of the few things I get from my mothers side of the family, but they were yard signs... Really not much creativity there. Then after spending all of Sunday planting my garden and getting lots of tips about how far apart and where to plant and how lime and oatmeal help them grow so much and having a husband that wasn't impressed with the fact that the lumber for our little garden cost $70, and that he and I had measurements about a foot off from one another- tensions were rather high. The last thing on my mind was making these signs, which the week before I got aggravated with when questioned how soon would they be done (at which point I didn't even know when the sale was!)- to be a smart-ass, I blurted out Tuesday. Then I was questioned again Sunday about the signs... realistically the signs were probably about 1 questioning away from being bonfire starter by the end of the day.

 I had no desire to get the signs done on Monday, my night consisted of getting my battery replaced and getting dinner ready while he worked through the hurricane to fix my car... again. So Tuesday comes around, I have to go to the pharmacy to get more prescriptions for my latest finding and of course sharpies for the signs. I make it home after what feels like a lifetime and start on the signs. Word to the wise, when making giant fluorescent signs, make sure that you don't stack signs of like colors on top of one another... I did. I got to the end of the street name and realized that my last two letters would be on the board underneath! So I did what any respectable and cool-headed person would do, I threw it across the room in disgust.

 I got sign #2 finished and was about to start #3 when the husband lovingly asks if sign # 2 was a good one, hesitantly I replied yes, then he points out the missing letter. At that point I about snapped. I said that I refused to do these signs and I was done with them. Now, part of my anguish, I am sure came from the fact that I got to see Squishy moving for the first time and got good news that I think I was more worried about than I realized, and Dad couldn't be there. Then he was busy at work all day and I really didn't get to talk to him, so I felt somewhat left out and alone- I am not saying I was right in my over-reaction of the signs, but they symbolized to me at that point something else that just wasn't going as planned that day.  

Just about 2 minutes after my breaking point, Mother-in -law arrives for the signs, I respond before she can get up the stairs that I cannot do the signs and I am done with them. To which she says- well, I don't have anything else to do anyways- I don't know if that was sarcasm or seriousness, I am hoping sarcasm, because as much as sarcasm would have pissed me off, knowing that you don't have to get up currently for a job everyday and still asking me to make these signs probably would have thrown me off the edge rather than pushed! So her and her friend leave with the unfinished signs after asking me 3 times who my husband was on the phone with. (Yard Sale tips here, in case I put you in the mood to sell the random stuff you collect but will never use) Now I know that he sensed my defeat and annoyance and he had to have seen me coming apart at the seams because rather than tell me at that moment in time that I was over-reacting and that I needed to cool it, he sat down with me before leaving for his meeting. And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

So THAT is why I got the you should  apologize comment, and I am not sure how- apologizing will be taken as being a smart-ass. I am speaking from experience,so I am just going to let it go. I can't hear about hormones or mood swings or how lucky I am that I have had such an easy pregnancy because I haven't been puking all the time (apparently that is just the worst thing), and I am tired of hearing it. Just like unsolicited advice on how to give birth (natural of course) or raise kids or the rest of the never ending list that appears in every "mom-to-be's" inbox.
Our speckled little Vienna Sausage

Anyways, my dad and brother and grandparents finally get back to the house, by this time Derek and I have walked the property, discussed for the millionth time how much we love it and the various things we would like to do to it or duplicate in our own house one day. Then the great reveal- seven puppies, cute as can be and about the size of a "skinny" can of Diet Pepsi. The one I had my eye on, little Vienna as I have decided to call her white with two little brown spots and a strip across her butt. It was love at first whimper! Now between my father and brother and Gina and grandparents giving us the pressure as to which one will be ours, I am not sure that Hubby is completely sold- but I certainly am! About the time we find out if Squishy will be more Nemo or Ariel Little Vienna should be able to make a new home with us!

Baby Vienna

Now that little face and some mind-blowing Parassons made my day do a complete 360! Squishy is certainly taking after my side of the family, and has already made it known that they are Italian and PROUD- pasta being one of the few foods that I can consume ungodly amounts of at any time. I also got a very happy and hopeful phone call that with any luck will lead to something VERY good for everyone in our little growing family! But more on that at a later date....


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