Weekend Duex

So after the Communion festivities, catching up and avoiding eye contact, me and my dad headed to the " Big Red Wagon Sale"... Now there was nothing "Big" about it, except the empty space. Next stop was Sams Club- we managed to get everything on the list and only flowers as the extra add on (my very first Mothers Day gift!! ) 

Sunstar Flowers- they look fake they are so bright!!

Now this is an amazing feat considering we were both rather hungry- you should NEVER shop when hungry. On this same note, I think it should be banned from grocery shopping while pregnant... you come home with alot of Ruggles chips (with R-rr-idges) and Helluva Good dip a few random fruits, some juices that are all nasty despite their "delicious and organic" claims and some bags of pre-shredded potatoes for your morning/ afternoon/ midday snack (who DOESN'T want hashbrowns all day?!)

After Sams, we tried for a movie- all of which sucked and since we had both seen Hunger Games (me with my FAVORITE Justine & James, and him with Gina & the girls that get to do far more than I ever did at that age!). I think it left us Fishing for Salmon in Yemen? 

Looks good huh? So we nixed the movie idea and made a B-Line for Steak N Shake. Chili Mac Supreme, fries and a chocolate fudge brownie milkshake- can you say AMAZING?! In my defense, I did take over half the chili home. Then we walked the mall, got some "turkey pants" (see Friends clip), a slushie, some caramel corn, some cheese corn, a swing through Krispy Kreme (unfortunately the "Hot" light wasn't on, but that didn't deter us.) Then a nice tour of where people live and a walk through mall #2, where we got more cheddar corn and some cotton candy AND Baby's first Teddy Bear, made by grandpa
Bearemy being Stuffed. He/She was named "Clark"

I hope that our Squishy gets a date day out with daddy when they are old enough :)

PS- Should you ever wonder where your nearest Krispy Kreme is- they have an App for that! Hard to believe I know, I would tell you how well it works, but as I've said before, I have a stupid phone and am happy for the days it actually makes phone calls and sends texts. Sprint is NOT casting me in any of their commercials any time soon.


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