Just one of those days

"Today's the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean, and we are getting out of here...THE TANK IS CLEAN?! The AquaScum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning maintenance free salt water purifier that is guaranteed to even extend the life of your aquarium fish.- curse you AquaScum!!!

Quick- name that movie!

... anyone? 

Finding Nemo of course! The sun IS shining, it IS a temperate 63 degrees out, and I am at work- with my beautiful view of the dumpster where the elderly man frequently confuses the stairwell for a bathroom and the trashbags for a free buffet!  In addition to that little chunk of heaven- I get to go rounds with one of our companies. Without getting into too many details- it's like trying to explain to a deaf person what sound a cow makes- doesn't matter how many times you write, act out, draw or mime- you get the same result- a blank stare. Normally, I can tolerate this company and the stress, craziness, stupidity and insanity that comes with it- but lately- my patience is as present as birth control in the Duggars household! I feel at the end of my rope... or rubber band in Andy's case.....

You just only have so much patience when dealing with grown, capable, well paid adults. It is also quite disheartening when your boss sees nothing wrong with the absurdity- yet the other higher-ups can list out the ways in which they pity you for dealing with the constant challenges that this company presents with. I spent well over a week solid getting a contract straightened out- only to have it completely undone because we don't question the decisions that the other company makes- at this point, I think Mother Theresa would have an issue with it.

The obvious answer would be- if you don't like it so much, then find something else. If only it were that easy! Over 100 applications/resumes/online accounts set-up and the bites have been far and few. I am not exactly an employers dream come true at this point either, since I have an extended vacation in the foreseeable future. I am about as employ-able as John Edwards at the Center for Abstinence or Snooki as the face of Skin Cancer Awareness.

Being pregnant has made me re-consider what kind of an importance I place on work- yes, bills need paid, I want a house and am in desperate need of a new car. But between my husband and I- It's like we are in matching hamster wheels- no matter how fast you go, you end up in the same place and  are just more exhausted. I would love to work part time, I wish I had the money to pay off my debt and get my CPA license and make my own hours. I want to be able to be home to make meals and be domesticated... But as the saying goes "wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first."

Hopefully someday he won't be working 70+ hours a week, and we can go out to eat without having to use giftcards, but someday seems like an eternity away. I would like to be able to enjoy each other and our family before we reach the ripe old retirement age of 97- which let's face it, is an optimistic goal at this point. Maybe we'll win the lottery... Guess we should start playing it...


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