I think I may be in the wrong country!

A few months ago I read an article about an Australian firm that recently announced it will be paying its returning mothers DOUBLE their pay after they come back from maternity leave for the first six weeks after they return. This is in addition to " 14 weeks of paid time off after giving birth or adopting a child. Their six-week "welcome back bonus" is on top of that -- and in addition to an Australian government policy that gives new parents up to 18 weeks pay at minimum wage or a $5,400 "Baby Bonus" per child, whichever is greater." (View Article here)

This is where daddy and I would BOTH rather be

Now why don't I have those sorts of benefits coming my way? Well, later in the article, the moment of truth hits... "It's a stark contrast to parental leave policies in the United States, where the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 mandates that companies over a certain size offer up to 12 weeks of job-protected parental leave, but without pay. The United States is one of just four countries in the world without a national law requiring paid time off for new parents (the other countries are Liberia, Papua New Guinea, and Swaziland)." Now, I realize that this comes at a cost of much (MUCH) higher taxes- but in my humble opinion- I would rather have perks like this and other healthcare incentives than have to contribute to welfare (which is a very crooked system with some scary loop holes) and the building of a bridge to no where Bridge to No Where.

I'm not taking any harsh political sides (something Mr. Jacoby would be ashamed of), but I just don't feel like I am educated enough to take a stand as Republican or Democrat or Crazy. I think everyone has some good ideas and some weird envisions that are probably impractical and definitely smoke and mirrors. I understand that other countries are suffering, and we donate and give them aid- but what about our unemployment? What about our homeless, and healthcare-less? You get cancer, and you may as well get an attorney for bankruptcy with the diagnosis! You look at the bill from having a kid and about stroke that the little miracle is about the salary of someone making minimum wage.

I'm also not some crazy feminist- I think the US as a country is overworked and under paid, and I don't see a very big push for family life or work:life balance. Something almost every other country has realized! It seems pretty obvious to me that if you treat your employees well, they will treat you well. People rarely stay at one company for their careers- its a race to see how much you can make- and your family tends to be left behind while you fight for the top.

I want our child to know that they come first- that we will be at every recital, soccer game, swim meet and school event that we can be, that eating a meal together at a table is important and that no matter what is going on at work or outside our house and home- that within our family- FAMILY, not a paycheck or a pager or a shiny new car or a bigger house is what is important. This "Great Country" we live in needs to catch up with the times and start treating their citizens with more respect and change their view of the workplace.


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