
Holy Moley! Twenty Two weeks, and all the little thoughts of tutu's have been replaced with fire trucks, fishing poles and mud pies. While our initial predictions were wrong, we still couldn't be happier. I feel him wiggle around every day and even though dad is still holding out on the "weird" excuse, I am waiting for the day that I can roll over and his son can start kicking his butt!

Only 22 weeks and already have perfected the "I'm done" face

"During week 22, baby’s invading your space, which is why it might be tough to catch your breath and why your back might be killing you. Hey, as he grows, he may be expanding your belly so much (so fast) that you might have some stretch marks -- and you might even have a newfound “outtie”! What’s not so cool is that the stretch marks may never fade, but we promise they’ll fade in color after delivery. And your outtie will go back to an innie, we promise. As for sex, all these body changes, along with another fun one -- discharge! -- might be messing with your mojo, but some moms-to-be actually find they have an increase in libido around 22 weeks. That’s because your hormones are pretty much raging at this point That explains so much!  This is also a good time to schedule a maternity portrait session. You’ll want to aim for the third trimester -- but not so late that you risk going into labor before your appointment."

The weekend was... hot. I got borderline dehydrated yesterday and spent 3 hours feeling like I was getting UTI flashbacks- luckily 2 liters of water fixed the issue and my bladder seems to be back to being content. Another not so great new finding is that I canNOT get comfortable at night to sleep and I am constantly hungry... with nothing in particular sounding good. Friday night I had some potato skins for dinner, Saturday a salad and yesterday made some BBQ Chicken bites and then decided after they were made that they did not seem so appetizing- luckily my husband garbage disposal could just add them to his array of lunch items for the day.

Odd new craving... Nutty Bars. A favorite of an ex-boyfriend, I cannot get enough of those little twin packs! Last week a whole box disappeared at work. This is most surprising because I have an aversion to PB, always have- I am not the girl that wanted Reeses at Valentines day or PB and banana sandwiches. My love of popsicles has continued- and I think that I want them so often partially due to my constant dehydration- I have no idea where all this water is going- maybe he really is trying out for Michael Phelps replacement and an Olympic sized swimming poll will follow his arrival- let me tell you I feel that way! 

We managed to get the crib together, and it will need some work... sanding, new rails for the drawer, and despite my disdain, I am trusting that what he is envisioning will turn out alright. I've got the "before pictures", we shall see what the "after" has to show.

In other news- while doing baby room renovations, we got some wood and stain last night to make a ridge along the changing table so that the pad will fit inside of it rather than strap on. Thankfully he listened to MY memory on the color and did not get the black stain he was thinking of and settled on the deep red- turns out the table was more of a Mahogany red and what we got is quite darker. After seeing the difference, we decided that we would re-stain all the top rails of the crib the same color so that it would look like we intentionally stained/ purchased both pieces with the dual colors. I am not sure if he is fully realizing the feat he is taking on- but more power to him!

While staining, Vienna decided to help... and she now has a few extra spots on her!

Appointment tomorrow to check on the little man, who officially has two of his three names (the last name being the easiest to decide on!), maybe someday we can actually start thinking about his first name. For now I just wait for his kicks and for something to actually sound appetizing to eat and I refill my CamelBak. Two weeks until our shower- so hard to believe!! He will be making his debut so soon!


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