Yes, that IS weird!

Yesterday I went after work to get my hair and nails done... a little vacation if you will. It was wonderful- I can see how people schedule mani/pedi's monthly and I wish I had the funding to do so because I could guarantee my stress would be way less! The downside is that yesterday was Monday- meaning Vienna was caged from 7am until I got home at 9pm- since hubby has meetings Monday nights. So she was a ROCKET by the time we got home. She was running around so fast I felt the need to remove objects she may run into for fear she would knock herself out!

Hubby did manage to score some brownie points by remembering that I got my hair cut and telling me it looked nice- old dogs CAN learn new tricks! And since he got changed out of work clothes so fast and left me with puppy duty, he got to make dinner- another plus for me. After inhaling some fish and tater tots (Atlantic beer battered cod from Walmart/Giant Eagle- AMAZING! Tastes just like restaurant only without the bad fried grease) and coaxing Vienna back to her cage for bed we made it to our own bed by the ripe hour of 10:30- which I know not because of the clock, but because he was on American Dad episode #2.

Laying in bed, little Squishy decided to prove my fears wrong and punch and kick non-stop. I had not felt him almost all of Sunday and very little in the morning, so I was borderline storming the doctors office demanding a doppler. Every time I would get to the point that I thought something was wrong he would wiggle just enough to make me reconsider, but not enough or consistently that I could be sure it was him and not my breakfast. So thankfully, last night he put my fears to rest. 

It was the first time that I could really see him moving- it looked so odd to see my stomach popping up on one side! I could feel him and then ripped the covers off and told hubby that my stomach was moving on its own and he gave me the closet "that's weird" response- then asked if you could feel it- and despite my inner smartass- I said yes and not "Just as much as you could feel him LAST time I told you you could!" He laid his hand across my stomach and didn't feel anything and then ripped his hand back like he had been burnt. "OH MY GOSH! That is weird- Can YOU feel that too?? It was like a bubble popped, wow, that's just weird" Dad translation- "Wow honey, it is amazing what is happening to your body- he is growing so well and pretty soon he will be here and I couldn't begin to express how great you have been or how thankful I am to have you and be experiencing this with you." Maybe not those exact words- but you have to get out your microscopes and read WAY between the lines!

Only a few more days until our shower- my excited level is getting par with the pre-wedding jitters! It's crazy how much your focus changes over the years. From how your hideous GINORMOUS periwinkle colored glasses would make you the butt of jokes to what type of Doc Martens to wear for high school to the color of your prom dress then passing your thesis papers- it just seems odd that these things used to be the center of my world- and now this little 12 inch one plus pound Harry Potter book is all I focus on! Life is pretty crazy like that.


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