Hit the ground running

So I made it through my first day back at work after the doctor induced hiatus. It was awkward, weird, stressful and thankfully uneventful. We will see how tomorrow goes when the full staff is back and I have to leave early for a doctor appointment. Tomorrow is a follow up from ER visit # 1 and #2 and a regular exam, looking at my pee (again), checking for infections (again), listening for my little goal kickers heart beat and seeing how all else is going in general. This morning I started getting the horrid UTI symptoms back, and I'm slightly worried that being anxious and stressed about work will cause me to be off sooner than when our little man arrives- but I try and tell myself that everything happens for a reason. Something better could happen before then and relieve some of the stress... you just never know.

We went to my little Katie-Loo-Hoo's graduation party yesterday, and I think that Vienna was a bigger hit than Kate! My godmother would have shoved her in her pocket if she thought she would get away with it, and the couple my sister nannies for have asked about how they get one for themselves (the three little boys and considering of a fourth child just are not enough)! She ran around all day- weeded under some bushes, drug some mini corn hole boards, ate some blueberries, and passed out in whoevers arms she could weasel her little self into. She slept the rest of the night- conked out the whole way home, and was no fuss at all at bedtime. 

Morning came quick today- somehow I heard my alarm at 4am telling me to wake up and take the worlds nastiest smelling/tasting antibiotic, but I failed to hear all THREE of them telling me to get up for work. Amid some strange dream- we were on a squad call for chest pain and the Intermediate with us decided to drive and all I could do was sit holding the 12 Lead knowing that he was probably having a Myocardial Infarction and all I could do was give him O2, we get to the hospital, and our squad is filthy- and the bench-seat looks more like the rear seat in our truck- I have no idea what hospital we are at, but the Chief appears and is walking into the hospital and just face plants it and everyone laughs- I randomly wake up in a panic that I have overslept. By the grace of SOMETHING I wake up with 20 minutes to spare, I get dresses, let the puppy out while I get lunch and then get her breakfast and crate treat and head to work. I get silence... About 10 o'clock one of the higher ups comes over and asks how I am and if things are better... Slightly annoying that the boss that doesn't even see me or work directly with me is the one to show concern. I also got warnings about other people being upset, well, downright pissed off that I was off last week. Now really- go into work for a few hours and NOT cause waves, or go to the hospital, get stabbed, pumped full of fluid, not sleep and add to my sky high medical bills.... I can see which one sounds more fun. 

There is nothing on television during the day... I could record shows all night and I would still be out of shows by noon- I couldn't do anything strenuous, so no laundry, it was 5 bazillion degrees, so even letting the puppy out was too hot- It really was no day in the park. There are days that I would like to take those that have no kids, or haven't had the joys of pregnancy and make then endure it a week and see what they think- the belly suits they make unrealistic  dads wear really do no justice. You need to make them eat a corndog and some bad chili, slap that sucker on them, make em ride the scrambler followed by an old wooden roller coaster, walk 2 miles when you have to pee while having their pants full of fire ants- THEN they MIGHT get a taste! So for those that haven't endured it- Just suck it, and those that have understand the pain and fear and nervousness that runs through your veins everyday.

We also managed  to get our Babies R Us registry together. Two and a half hours on the store and we walked out of there looking like we deserved purple hearts! Now, coming from a large family- I had an idea of what we would and wouldn't need, nannying through and after high school gave me some insight to the newer things that are a help (like the little round formula holders that divide up four individual servings), and the things that really aren't necessary (wipe warmers?). I went in with the checksheet from the Summer "big book" and to my pleasure- the store was color coded to match the book- so everything I had marked was organized within the store by the sheet I had already mapped out! For those that know my husband and I - it was like a dream come true- we seriously could have been an Ikea commercial, it was THAT perfect!

Our one snag... The travel system. I went through and looked at reviews and safety ratings (something that my husband is usually the expert at), and I ranked the four that I was interested in based on all of that and the price/ color options. They only had two of the four on my list. So we look at them, I pull the seat off, simple enough- Hubby seems happy with that- then I tell his to pull iot off the shelf. Now, he gets this deer in headlights look like I just asked him to try out the breast pump, even though when we were registering, the nice woman explained that everything was out to try and use- especially the travel systems, strollers, seats, swings, etc. So I yank the stroller down, and I find the handy-dandy button on the handle to collapse it. Pinch and twist and down it goes.. simple enough- I was even holding the checklist, pen purse and radar gun not a kid, but I was holding SOMETHING and still able to collapse the contraption). 

Now, I go to open the stroller... I twist, I yank, I kick, I nudge, I flip it over, and I am increasing my blood pressure and the stupid thing doesn't budge. Having a slight chuckle at my annoyance, Hubby dearest tries. At this point my purse and checklist are on the ground (because it would have been stupid to get a cart right? We weren't buying anything- so why on earth would the pregnant woman want something to place her purse and list and gun in while she looked at things or tried to yank things off the shelf then onto the ground? Obviously SOMEONE wanted cart, and SOMEONE ELSE decided for us that it was a dumb idea- well heeere's your sign jackass! I was right- marriage lesson 101). He tries, and tries, and (just to show how annoyed we have become) pulls out the manual for the stroller. It says to simple pull the release handle and it will spring open. 

Well the release handle must be located in the Bermuda Triangle because no such handle existed. I am frustrated, he is frustrated, and we put the stroller- collapsed- back on the shelf, and precariously place the carseat on top of the folded up stroller. I ask him to pull a different one down- and his response is, well you liked that one... Insert crickets here... I DID like it, when I thought it was safe and didn't take a secret word and handshake to make it open. Now I am annoyed. The manswer "Well it is fine, I'll figure it out when we get home, I am not going to stand in the store and read the manual to figure it out (overlooking the fact that we have BOTH spent 20 minutes looking in the manual and the damn thing is still closed)" So what happens- I scan it, get mad and tell him that he will be the one on speed dial when I have a screaming kid at the store and a stroller that won't open.  I get the "quit over-reacting" look and an equally hormonal attitude as we swiftly move onto bibs and sippee cups. 

We both survived, and headed straight to the BBQ house across the parking lot and inhaled our appetizer of nachos faster than the Kardashians and an open E! timeslot. It was our belated anniversary dinner- we didn't even have a giftcard. It was a nice night out, and by the time we got home, we were ready to crash- and our puppy was ready for some attention. 

So much to look forward to- over the halfway hump, friends showers and extravaganzas coming up, our showers coming up- it's all very exciting and nerve racking and just thrilling. I can't wait to get the room finished and together it's becoming very real- he's not just two pink lines anymore.


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