A bad omen?

So last night was yet another night of weird and scary dreams. In addition to having an alarm go off each morning at the ripe hour of 4:00am, I have dreams that wake me feeling even more nervous than my normal hormone levels! This morning baby boy was delivered, and he fit in our hands- about the size of our Vienna the first time we saw her. He was the most beautiful little thing I ever laid eyes on- and we had no name for him. He came too soon and as we tried to tell friends and family of his arrival we could only say that our little boy had arrived early. We were too consumed with his arrival to consider his name. The things that bothered me are endless- is our little boy ok? Will he make it to term? Is this some subconscious message telling me that something is going to come too soon? I know that weird dreams are common during pregnancy- but I am well aware of everything that can go wrong. Between being in the medical field and having friends that have witnessed first hand the horrible things that can happen at any moment- I have a case of knowing too much. So I have never been happier to feel the little kicks and movements than I was today. I watched the clock for the minute I could come home to relax and encourage his little twists and turns. 

In other news- Grandma Taurus rolled 190,000 miles yesterday... and while the car will always be a part of me, I am really going to be ecstatic the day I can sit my butt in something new and much more reliable! 

We have made it almost 2 weeks with no more flare-ups (knock on wood) , which means another week of not getting snarky comments about it. Of course, I WISH I could afford a new car, but I can't, I also can't afford to drive my husbands truck every day or risk having something happen to the only other vehicle that can safely transport our growing family. It also isn't fair to rob him of his nice vehicle when he has had his Danger Ranger (with more rust than truck at this point) for the past 8 years, especially after he helped pay for grandma after being with me a whole 4 months- that ladies and gentlemen is love.

I made it home and let out Vienna and am just patiently waiting for my husband to get home from meetings so that I have something other than fear and worry to focus on. Laundry needs done- but that requires taking a basket downstairs, and with my history of stairs... it just isn't worth it. It's hard to believe that it is already halfway through July! Every year it seems like the days just go faster and faster- with no slowing down in sight. We are officially closer to the finish line that the starting line- an accomplishment that feels monumental at this point. Follow up from my 6 antibiotics a day on Tuesday and tomorrow marks the last day of Flagyl! Flagyl is the twice a day pill that is not coated and is quite large- it dissolves the second it hits your tongue and the taste stays with you long after you have managed to swallow it down! Monday will be the last day of Keflex- the pretty green and blue pill that is also the size of a small rodent and smells like a rotten one! The first few days of taking it, I seriously thought something died under my bed- about round five the light bulb came on and I realized that the stench came every 6 hours about the time I took good 'ol Keflex. BINGO!

Appointment Tuesday should be quick- a nice easy check up to see how I am doing after the transition to just one antibiotic a day. The next week is another ultrasound and then hopefully we can go back on a more regular schedule of appointments. Then a family reunion at the swim park, a mani/pedi and hair touch up before the family baby shower thrown by my awesome cousin and aunts! Oddly our shower is the same day as one of our friends showers, so it will be a long day and I am sure at the end of it our bed will be a welcome friend!  We will also get to see if we knew what we were doing when registering and start the daunting task of getting everything together. Ever wonder why baby stuff is so big and bulky? Very few  things collapse or can be stored easily- in my husbands words "we are going to have a house full of stuff that we can't do anything with in a few months"- sadly, you would be right my dear, but the second you see how wonderful that swing works at getting our Peanut to sleep you will think it is better than the PASS Alarm!

Grandma to be gave us a bag of clothes yesterday too- everything is cute when it is that small I swear! The only problem we seem to be running into is that everyone is getting us bigger sized stuff so that baby can grow into things, and we have all of 5 onesies to dress him in for his first 6 months of life! Let's hope we have one heck of a heat wave and a kid with some impressive bladder holding abilities! I am sure that by the end of the showers and of people that have stuff to hand down or be borrowed until they have another (Aunt J & J)- we will be set, but the planners in the two of us are still slightly worried that we won't have enough to clothe him. For now I am off to find something to feed the rumbly in my tumbly and spend time cuddling with my little sleeping Vienna (as cute as she is sleeping- like having a child, we have learned that this means bedtime is that much more traumatic for the little pup and her separation anxiety).

Belly is growing... and Vienna is dreaming of being SUPER GROVER!


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