Another one bites the dust

Goodbye week 22 and HELLO Week 23!

Still can't get comfy- still hungry but can't find anything satisfying and still growing. All very good signs. One week until our family shower! I cannot wait! Family Reunion Sunday- I have yet to figure out how to tackle the whole "swimsuit" dilemma... I have outgrown every top I own- so I think every bathing suit I own will look like something from a Playboy centerfold- only ALL REAL ladies!

The sides of the changing table have been stained- and now that I am thinking of what he plans on doing- I am hoping that in a few years when we are done with kids that he can match the stain so that it will look like a dresser again.... but that is in the future- who needs to think THAT far ahead!? I have also planned to get the crib I originally planned on getting- if hubby would have listened to my request in the first place, then we would only have one crib- but I like mine better and let's remember everyone: Happy WIFE= Happy LIFE.

Very nice- BUT.... I think I may pull the hormonal card on this decision

My stomach has been very sore lately- I think sore is the best way to describe it- like it is over stretched and just uncomfortable- at times it feels downright- crampy. At my last appointment the NP told me that if I feel crampy, or pain or anything consistent or extra discharge, etc that I need to call in so they can give me the 20 question run-down and rule out pre-term labor. My concern is that I have that stuff all the time- how am I to differentiate? Now I'm not talking full blown labor- I would HOPE that I know what that is and that it is a little worse than anything before, but as far as Braxton Hicks and the signs of anything happening- I don't think that I would be able to tell the difference with my history. Heck, I had a bad kidney infection that caused hospitalization and I didn't know it until I was peeing un-mixed fruit punch! I'll be 26.5 weeks at my next scheduled appointment assuming I don't make any surprise trips between now and then, and nearing the finish line at a fast pace. I get to have the sugar test again and more bloodwork and the light at the end of THAT tunnel is (hopefully) a good 3D ultrasound!

Little man is kicking every day, still no noticeable pattern- but it's  good to feel him moving around in there. One of the updates I got in my email said that he is now the size of a Harry Potter book- 1 pound and 11 inches... Now- obviously the person writing the update didn't READ the Harry Potter books, because they would know that you need to specify WHICH book exactly you are referring to- The Chamber of Secrets is a little different than the Deathly Hollows. Leaves alot of wiggle room for interpretation. I am addicted to reading the week by week updates of how big he is and how my body is changing or common symptoms. I feel like I am earning a girl scout badge for every ailment I can cross off my list (or a Pioneer Wedge/ Wagon wheel for the non-Girl Scouters)!

Vienna has no idea what is coming her way- we joke that she is going to have some jealousy issues when our new center of attention arrives- I think we should start weaning her with a cabbage patch doll so she doesn't end up eating little Squishy...


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