It was a matter of NATIONAL security

I get a text at 7:30 from the hubby to make sure I am awake- why is this? So that I could stand on a bridge... Now that is the "nuts and bolts" of it- the REAL glory is that I stood on a bridge to protect the presidential motorcade from being blown up, shot at or mooned. I guess Hell hath no fury like a pregnant woman! I have never seen so many "important" vehicles- SWAT, A secret service helicopter, 12 bikes, 4 buses, countless SUV's and amid it all the president of the United States. Now, I don't take much of a political stand- and maybe my reasoning is a lousy one, but I don't like taking stand on things that I am not entirely educated on- Mr. Jacoby my favorite government/history teach taught me that. I would rather speak and be educated on what I am passionate about then jump on a bandwagon and make assumptions based on popular opinion. So, yes, despite anyones opinions or views of the current president and his "Obamacare" it was pretty sweet to feel like a small part of something much bigger. It gave me a new respect for my brother in law T and what he is doing in the Marines- even if he has yet to serve overseas or "fight" what he has done and gone through is pretty incredible.

So I am back safe in my air conditioned home recovering from my short venture out- High today is 99- with heat index above 105, and let me tell ya- they are NOT lying! And those are two predictions that do not mix well with me and Squishy! It's odd to think that in past years, anytime home from work was spent getting as much sun as possible- working on my tan- trying to stay even and dark; now, I search for shade, a chair and a cold glass of something. Just another sign that things are changing and priorities are shifting.

This weekend is my little sisters graduation party- still UNBELIEVABLE! We will also make another attempt to get to Babies R Us to get our registry together. While this is all I am letting the hubby in on- we also need a new light for the lizard and some returns at the maternity store- so he is in for a little more than he may be bargaining for.

I start back at work on Monday and would be lying if I didn't say I was dreading it. I have anxiety issues, I blame the way I grew up. I am the type of person that doesn't like people being mad at them or upset with them. I was always the kid that wanted to make everyone happy, and let me tell you, with a split family- that is impossible. I am also the first person in the workplace that has been pregnant, most of the women already had kids, or didn't have any, and the rest are men- many have wives that stay at home with the kids. I dread telling them about appointments, I get knots in my stomach when I do have appointments and have to leave early- all of which helps out my IBS and just pregnancy hormones in general.

I am worried that my blood pressure is going to stay low and cause more appointments and further monitoring. I am already seeing the doctor every other week, and I try as hard as I can to schedule things on the same day, but doctors offices don't always work out or play well with one another- and I am just waiting for the day that I walk in and they tell me that they can't work with me anymore. I tried to monitor my work email, and was spanked for forwarding something that I didn't think was sent. I wasn't copied on the email, and I am always the one that sends it, so I assumed that the two others in the office wouldn't think of it. Well, someone got confused and I got an email. So like a dog with my tail between my legs, I am dreading going back,

People there are usually very concerned and most of my bosses seem like they genuinely care- but you still feel bad, and then when people stop by to see how you are and ask about if everything is ok- it's like I can feel the glare from others- I don't ask for the attention, and I don't want to be rude and just ignore them when I can tell that just by the way the company is structured, people are close- It's like being between a rock and a hard place. Unfortunately that hard place is in my intestine and it just keeps getting worse. 

We will see how it goes, I am always told that if it is meant to be it is meant to be- and I understand that, I have certainly seen it work out in my own life- it is just a very difficult concept to get when all you want is what is best for your family: now AND in the future.


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