Yes, I wasn't lying....

So I am writing from the comfort of my couch. Why is that you ask? Well, my body decided that it wanted to show my doctors just how serious I was being when I told them my history and the fact that I am about as prone to bladder infections and the Titanic is to Iceburgs! 

Thursday night while I was baking for Saturday- Jello cake and vanilla creme filled cupcakes, my right side started hurting. I figured I pulled something in my Betty Crocker whirlwind and thought nothing of it. I then went to bed with my herd of pillows and tossed and turned all night... I should have known it was a sign.

Friday morning our precious little bundle of puppy joy was up bright and early at 5am- oddly enough so was I, and I waited to see if she would go back to sleep- no such luck but she did manage to wake up dad, who took her out and then came back to try and enjoy the last 30 minutes of our bed before the alarm went off. I told him my side hurt and that I hadn't slept and even got desperate enough to get up and dig out the heating pad for relief with no such luck. He didn't have any suggestions since it was an odd place for an appendix or kidney and I had just had everything checked 3 days ago and all was fine.

After he left for work, I got up with the dog and paced, and paced and paced- I was 20 levels of uncomfortable. Nothing seemed to take the discomfort away- My clothes felt to tight, then I was too hot or not warm enough. I decided to head into work and call the doc at lunch if it didn't go away. I stopped at Giant Eagle to pick up the sheet cake that ended the week long bet of what I was having, and sadly only ever enjoyed half of one piece. 

On my way back from the store-my engine light came on, so one of the guys at the shop pulled the code and assured me that it was an easy fix, and probably due to the two other repairs that had been done that week- once by hubby and once by work after I got stranded downtown on my way to the bank! This was enough to send me over the edge, into the stairwell, and borderline sobbing to my husband on the phone. I am sure the thoughts of how un-emotional and easy this pregnancy have been were going through his mind during this sane and rational conversation. 

SO- after that debacle and some comments from co-workers that didn't sit quite right with me, the level of discomfort was just escalating. I called my doctor and left a message with the nurses desk and they called back and wanted me to come in for an appointment- after hearing the litany of symptoms that I had including chills and peeing every 3 minutes- I was told to head straight to the OB triage and by-pass the office. After some discussion with my husband- who didn't think the situation warranted a full blown ER visit, I ended up in triage quite possibly the most uncomfortable state I have ever been in. After peeing in a cup and thinking that It looked more like some fruit punch kool aid that hadn't been mixed up entirely- I felt a little more justified in calling my doc and coming in. 

About 4 doctors and 3 hours later, I was still in pain, AND being admitted. I had one hell of a kidney infection and possibly kidney stones. I was placed on antibiotics, pain meds and hospital rest until things cleared up. Now I have had my fair share of pains and doctor visits and even surgery- I would take any of it 10 times over what I went through Friday night. I had already not slept Thursday night, and Friday even with meds every 4 hours- it was 2 am and I would have killed someone, robbed a bank and started a meth lab for the doc to appear with some better drugs to help. I couldn't move- It was like there was a knife in my right side, no matter how I moved or didn't move it was the most intense and unrelenting pain I had ever had. My poor nurse kept paging the doctor and I felt bad for her because I could see that she didn't like seeing me that way either. By the time the doctor came in- he had 2 deliveries going at the same time, no big deal- we decided to try one of the two pain meds that I am mildly allergic to and just preventatively give Benadryl. Luckily- it worked, I slept from 3-7 without much pain. 

By the time my husband made it in to see me Saturday, he could tell that it was a rough night, and unfortunately the doctor arrived to say that I would be there at least one more night until I could get more IV antibiotics and switch to the pills and make sure that things cleared up a little better. Luckily Saturday night was a much better and come Sunday I just felt like I was very sore and slow moving- but was able to  go home.

So here I am, at home after my follow up and 3 hour glucose test, allowed to go back to work next week and on antibiotics every 6 hours for the next 2 weeks and then every day until Baby Boy makes his arrival. Hopefully after the appointment next week my blood pressure will be a little higher and my migraines will be a little less frequent and we will be much MUCH better! Until then, I am home, on the couch, bored but not having the energy to do much but make lists of what I would like to be accomplishing while home. The only thing that ever gets done is taking my meds and napping... For now, I guess I should relish in the small victories!


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