Have I seen you here before?

Another trip to the hospital! I wasn't feeling great yesterday- Hubby brought the squad to check my blood pressure and sugar and pulse and all that good stuff. Sugar was low (69- the LOW end should be 80), so I inhaled a Three Muskateers bar- which then made my stomach sick, my blood pressure was 124/70 (Again, a normal one is 120/80- MY normal is 110/70- so not too bad, and certainly better that it has gone up a little after being so low for the past few days). I just felt crappy- I would get dizzy when I stood up, felt like my pulse was all over the place, just not feeling too hot. So I called the doc and they sent me back to the OB triage. 

I was pumped full of fluid and examined- yet another bacterial infection! They are common in pregnant women, so that makes me feel a little better about it- but it is still discouraging. I am still on an antibiotic every 6 hours- since my last infection stemmed from e-coli and now I am on a second twice a day . That makes 6 pills of antibiotic for the next week, then one a day the remainder of the pregnancy. I trust my doctors, and would do what they told me and would do anything to avoid being in the pain I was in last week- but it still worries me. My husband keeps telling me that I need to drink more- as do the doctors, and I just don't know how I can force much more liquid into my body. I am so bloated and feel like I could float away at any moment and it still isn't enough! So I am going to take my 2 new cups from the hospital (since I get one every time I go in) and fill them up each day and force myself to finish the contents of each at least once a day. With any luck that will be sufficient, or at the very least give me a more concrete amount to tell the doctors so that they know how much I am actually consuming and how I am still getting dehydrated like a little raisin!

Tuesday will be the follow up appointment and our regularly scheduled appointment- so maybe they will have some more insight as to all these visits and infections. 

Today marks our halfway point. We have made it 20 weeks, and despite the massive doses of antibiotics and numerous visits- we still have a healthy squirmy baby boy! It's hard to believe it has gone by so fast, and that his arrival is getting so close. I feel him squirm every day and it makes me stop and just think about how amazing the whole process has been- the good and the bad. I am constantly feeling my stomach for that first  little punch that can be felt on the outside so that Daddy can feel him too. Every time I tell him that I can feel him squirming his response is always "that's so weird"- so I can;t wait until he gets to feel our little man wiggling away too. I also am looking forward to giving him the chance to be woken up from the little kicks within- payback buddy!

For now we are heading off to register for our little nameless boy and enjoying every minute before he arrives and counting the days until we get to meet his little face!


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