Second Trimester Approaching

I have officially entered into the "I am hungry all the time but can't eat more than half a child's size meal" stage. I go to a restaurant and want an app, a salad, a rootbeer float a main dish and a dessert- but I only want about 5 bites of each please! I am ADDICTED to popsicles, ice pops-the cheap frozen little juice tubes- I go through about 15-25 a day! The Iccee brand ones are the best- they stay "mushy" all the time. The mood swings, or what I can honestly admit anyways, have subsided and I have fewer breakdowns- although can still cry at the drop of a hat. I went to my cousins ceremony this weekend and she was awarded the "World's Greatest Pediatrician" Award (or something close), and she went to get it, and I swear I could have balled my eyes out- I was so happy and proud of her! My brother officially came out of the closet with his "news" his girlfriend/ acquaintance/ ex-girlfriend- things will work now because we are ...