Define DROP...

So two weeks plus one day we went to the ENT for Mr. Caden to get his tongue clipped. Daddy thankfully was able to make it, and we made the trek to the doctor's office. We got in, saw the nurse, saw the resident and then saw the doctor. He said it was a quick procedure, just a little snip a few drops of blood, he will cry and then eat and everything will be fine.

The big question was who would hold him, and I quickly popped into the seat to hold my little man while the evil doctor came at him with scissors. I couldn't watch- and have never heard him scream so much, and then it was over- the screaming continued and the doctor told us to try and feed him to help the bleeding stop- at this point he had gone through two gauze pad changes! My son was pouring blood out like a horror film! Doctor left the room and said he would be back to check him and that the bleeding would stop... it didn't. Daddy went out into the hall to get someone and the doctor came back in and got more gauze and shoved it into his mouth while asking us if he was on any blood thinners. After a few more gauze changes, and the doctor giving us gauze to go home with as well as instructions that it should not start again and if it does to just place the gauze in his mouth and hold pressure- we were free to go and my little boy was finally settling down.

By the time we got home, he had a little dried blood stain around his binky and I felt so bad- we had to keep binks away from his for the rest of the night and watch like hawks that the bleeding didn't start again. I am SO not looking forward to his shot appointments!!!


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