A brand New Day

Thursday morning daddy and I went down to check on our little champ. He was being quite fussy and his stats were kinda all over the place. The doctor and his respiratory therapist was there and they decided that maybe his current frustration was due to the fact that he was done with the tube. They decided to take it out and see how he did. So the tube came out- and after a little spell of up and down- his vitals stabilized and they were right. He was telling them that he was done.

After the tube came out, I finally got my mommy time with him. 
The rest of the day went pretty well and he was able to try nursing and we had some skin to skin time. I could have been there with him all day. At one point his temp dropped a bit- so they had to heat his box a little more- but his Oxygen levels stayed where they needed to be, and our big concerns were getting his respiratory rate down and getting his to eat (which would lead to the tube coming out of his nose). 

Everything was going in the right direction and visitors kept coming to see our little Squishy. It looked like I would be discharged on Friday with the possibility of staying an extra night as a guest and with any luck Caden would be home by the next weekend.


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