The Big Day of Truth

Wednesday came, and I had a million questions and thoughts. I called the nursery to see what the doctor had to say on his morning rounds- and it was determined that they would see how well he ate and how comfortable I was with feeding him and if all went well he would be home for the night. It was a step in the right direction. My dads girlfriend came to get me and spent the day at the hospital going through my daily routine. About 3pm it was decided that we would in fact be bringing Caden home!

Daddy had a test after work and then class- so he wouldn't be there for baby's first car ride. It made me sad but I was still elated to be bringing him home and I tried to look at the good side. We made it home- with friends to greet me so I wasn't alone until daddy came home. It was a nerve racking night- I did the typical "check that he is breathing" every ten minutes and by morning I was beyond exhausted but it was worth it. 

My sister came out to stay with me for the day so I wasn't alone, and I tried to settle into my new lifestyle. The routine became to wake him up, change him, feed him, change him again, get him to sleep, pump, clean the pump- and then start all over. By night three- exhaustion started setting in. Between what we went through going back and forth between the hospital and then settling into Caden being home- I was hitting my limit. Daddy noticed and tried to get me to not be so active and relax a bit- easier said than done. It was also decided that Saturday night daddy would pull duty and I would be able to make nice with my bed again and get some stretches of sleep longer than thirty minutes. 

As amazing as it was to sleep- I laid down shortly after 9pm pumping and it felt like ten minutes later I woke and it was 2am! I went upstairs to check on my favorite men, and I could tell daddy was having a rough time. He looked like a zombie! I pumped and then what felt like ten short minutes after I laid my head down in bed- it was 9am and time to go upstairs and resume my daily routine. Daddy told me that he doesn't know how I am doing it every night, and that he was very tempted at my 3am arrival to just hand Caden over and tell me to go ahead and take over. 

As much as our lives have changed, and as exhausted as we both are- neither of us would have it any other way. Our little boy is the reason we breathe anymore, he has truly completed us.


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