
Showing posts from July, 2012

Yes, that IS weird!

Yesterday I went after work to get my hair and nails done... a little vacation if you will. It was wonderful- I can see how people schedule mani/pedi's monthly and I wish I had the funding to do so because I could guarantee my stress would be way less! The downside is that yesterday was Monday- meaning Vienna was caged from 7am until I got home at 9pm- since hubby has meetings Monday nights. So she was a ROCKET by the time we got home. She was running around so fast I felt the need to remove objects she may run into for fear she would knock herself out! Hubby did manage to score some brownie points by remembering that I got my hair cut and telling me it looked nice- old dogs CAN learn new tricks! And since he got changed out of work clothes so fast and left me with puppy duty, he got to make dinner- another plus for me. After inhaling some fish and tater tots (Atlantic beer battered cod from Walmart/Giant Eagle- AMAZING! Tastes just like restaurant only without the bad fried

Another one bites the dust

Goodbye week 22 and HELLO Week 23! Still can't get comfy- still hungry but can't find anything satisfying and still growing. All very good signs. One week until our family shower! I cannot wait! Family Reunion Sunday- I have yet to figure out how to tackle the whole "swimsuit" dilemma... I have outgrown every top I own- so I think every bathing suit I own will look like something from a Playboy centerfold- only ALL REAL ladies! The sides of the changing table have been stained- and now that I am thinking of what he plans on doing- I am hoping that in a few years when we are done with kids that he can match the stain so that it will look like a dresser again.... but that is in the future- who needs to think THAT far ahead!? I have also planned to get the crib I originally planned on getting- if hubby would have listened to my request in the first place, then we would only have one crib- but I like mine better and let's remember everyone: Happy WIFE= Happy

A picture is worth a thousand words...

My newest desire: maternity pics. Along with that: pictures I would NEVER want taken while pregnant! I have decided to seek out someone for maternity pictures- it's a "fad" right now and I am jumping on the wagon. I love pictures, scrapbooking and basically documenting everything that I can- I don't think I am alone either! So I have found a few of my favorite poses that I am hoping to replicate in some way shape or form. This is my FAVORITE! I love the book, I love the setting, I love the shirt- I just love this picture. Now, in my little creative mind, I have decided that since little man will debut into a Nemo/ocean room. I want to do this with Rainbow Fish or Nemo and have it be either on a beach or (ideally) in front of an aquarium. Now, I'm not planning any trips to Ripleys aquarium in Myrtle Beach anytime soon- but Oh man- it would be PERFECT!! Hoping that one of the local zoos or aquariums has something that I can make work, because this is amaz


Holy Moley! Twenty Two weeks, and all the little thoughts of tutu's have been replaced with fire trucks, fishing poles and mud pies. While our initial predictions were wrong, we still couldn't be happier. I feel him wiggle around every day and even though dad is still holding out on the "weird" excuse, I am waiting for the day that I can roll over and his son can start kicking his butt! Only 22 weeks and already have perfected the "I'm done" face   "During week 22, baby’s invading your space, which is why it might be tough to catch your breath and why your back might be killing you. Hey, as he grows, he may be expanding your belly so much (so fast) that you might have some stretch marks -- and you might even have a newfound “outtie”! What’s not so cool is that the stretch marks may never fade, but we promise they’ll fade in color after delivery. And your outtie will go back to an innie, we promise. As for sex, all these body changes,

Livin on a Prayer...

"Oohhhhh.... we're half way there...." Actually, a week beyond half way there, and yesterday- the official 21 week mark was nothing less than eventful. I managed to lose another "friend." At this point, I think I have changed my outlook of things and realized that people come and go- the friends that stick it out are the ones worth keeping- the ones that just come around when they want something- even if that something is just gossip to pass on to their own judgmental families- those friends are not worth it. Three weeks until our first shower- and it is so hard to believe that we are getting to that point already! I know it will still be a little early for the traditional "shower time frame"- but it means alot to have my family there, and being able to catch the growing cousins before they traipse off to their various colleges and school lives means alot. I come from such a large family- that people don't believe me when I tell them that

A bad omen?

So last night was yet another night of weird and scary dreams. In addition to having an alarm go off each morning at the ripe hour of 4:00am, I have dreams that wake me feeling even more nervous than my normal hormone levels! This morning baby boy was delivered, and he fit in our hands- about the size of our Vienna the first time we saw her. He was the most beautiful little thing I ever laid eyes on- and we had no name for him. He came too soon and as we tried to tell friends and family of his arrival we could only say that our little boy had arrived early. We were too consumed with his arrival to consider his name . The things that bothered me are endless- is our little boy ok? Will he make it to term? Is this some subconscious message telling me that something is going to come too soon? I know that weird dreams are common during pregnancy- but I am well aware of everything that can go wrong. Between being in the medical field and having friends that have witnessed first hand the hor

Hit the ground running

So I made it through my first day back at work after the doctor induced hiatus. It was awkward, weird, stressful and thankfully uneventful. We will see how tomorrow goes when the full staff is back and I have to leave early for a doctor appointment. Tomorrow is a follow up from ER visit # 1 and #2 and a regular exam, looking at my pee (again), checking for infections (again), listening for my little goal kickers heart beat and seeing how all else is going in general. This morning I started getting the horrid UTI symptoms back, and I'm slightly worried that being anxious and stressed about work will cause me to be off sooner than when our little man arrives- but I try and tell myself that everything happens for a reason. Something better could happen before then and relieve some of the stress... you just never know. We went to my little Katie-Loo-Hoo's graduation party yesterday, and I think that Vienna was a bigger hit than Kate! My godmother would have shoved her in her p

Have I seen you here before?

Another trip to the hospital! I wasn't feeling great yesterday- Hubby brought the squad to check my blood pressure and sugar and pulse and all that good stuff. Sugar was low (69- the LOW end should be 80), so I inhaled a Three Muskateers bar- which then made my stomach sick, my blood pressure was 124/70 (Again, a normal one is 120/80- MY normal is 110/70- so not too bad, and certainly better that it has gone up a little after being so low for the past few days). I just felt crappy- I would get dizzy when I stood up, felt like my pulse was all over the place, just not feeling too hot. So I called the doc and they sent me back to the OB triage.  I was pumped full of fluid and examined- yet another bacterial infection! They are common in pregnant women, so that makes me feel a little better about it- but it is still discouraging. I am still on an antibiotic every 6 hours- since my last infection stemmed from e-coli and now I am on a second twice a day . That makes 6 pills of anti

It was a matter of NATIONAL security

I get a text at 7:30 from the hubby to make sure I am awake- why is this? So that I could stand on a bridge... Now that is the "nuts and bolts" of it- the REAL glory is that I stood on a bridge to protect the presidential motorcade from being blown up, shot at or mooned. I guess Hell hath no fury like a pregnant woman ! I have never seen so many "important" vehicles- SWAT, A secret service helicopter, 12 bikes, 4 buses, countless SUV's and amid it all the president of the United States. Now, I don't take much of a political stand- and maybe my reasoning is a lousy one, but I don't like taking stand on things that I am not entirely educated on- Mr. Jacoby my favorite government/history teach taught me that. I would rather speak and be educated on what I am passionate about then jump on a bandwagon and make assumptions based on popular opinion. So, yes, despite anyones opinions or views of the current president and his "Obamacare" it was pretty

Yes, I wasn't lying....

So I am writing from the comfort of my couch. Why is that you ask? Well, my body decided that it wanted to show my doctors just how serious I was being when I told them my history and the fact that I am about as prone to bladder infections and the Titanic is to Iceburgs!  Thursday night while I was baking for Saturday- Jello cake and vanilla creme filled cupcakes, my right side started hurting. I figured I pulled something in my Betty Crocker whirlwind and thought nothing of it. I then went to bed with my herd of pillows and tossed and turned all night... I should have known it was a sign. Friday morning our precious little bundle of puppy joy was up bright and early at 5am- oddly enough so was I, and I waited to see if she would go back to sleep- no such luck but she did manage to wake up dad, who took her out and then came back to try and enjoy the last 30 minutes of our bed before the alarm went off. I told him my side hurt and that I hadn't slept and even got desperate