If I could consume my bed!!

Now,  I have read all of the books, articles and stories on weird cravings, and while I don't think I've had many- tacos mid-day, gumballs amid watching the scene in bedtime stories when it rains gumballs, salads with creamy Italian dressing (now that I am also hungry), I have never craved my bed quite like I do now. Every night it seems like I shower earlier and earlier just to get there sooner- and let me tell you, I can't keep my eyes open 5 minutes after I hit that heavenly place!

Indians were on last night (getting their butts kicked by the Royals), and I started watching at the top of the 6th and was out by the 7th! They lost, 4-2, which is just disappointing, and lucky for me I didn't waste any precious time that I could have been sleeping to watch. **Disclaimer** Unless making reference to not knowing anything about sports, or my general disgust in them- this will be my ONLY vise in that department- I love me my Indians, could care less about foozeball, basketball, rugby, polo, etc.

This will ALWAYS be the Jake

I used to be able to sit for hours and read-I'm an avid reader, a curse I get from my grandmother. The bookshelves in my house are taking over, I'm going to be on Hoarders one day when I have named them and start celebrating their special days. Until then, I just can't get enough- or didn't used to that is until this little Squish took up residence. My phone went off last night 8 times- EIGHT- and I didn't hear it once. It is less than 5 feet from my head and on full volume! I am waiting for my husband to start pushing the limits and seeing just how asleep I am- one day I will wake up with blue hair, a mohawk and fully dressed in my wedding gown and won't really care as long as he didn't wake me up earlier than I needed to be up.

Work schedules really should shift when you are pregnant- You think I am productive before 9am? I am not sure most days how I get to work, let alone get there dressed! Same goes for after 4 and the hour after lunch- someone should look into this- I can't be alone! Until then, I just imagine my nice warm pillow filled bed calling my name, waiting for the next time we meet...


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