It's getting out!

So by now the parents and grandparents know! Some a little less enthusiastic and reactive than others, but I can't say I had high hopes. His mother was hysterical and crying, my dad played let's make a deal for an hour to get Facebook posting rights. It's good to not have to worry about slipping up, but still slightly scary that I know the endless possibilities of things that can go wrong. First official "Full Scale" physical will be next week and by then our little "Squishy" should have discernible arms and legs. Then another 3 weeks and we will be released from specialist #1 and onto specialist #2.

After stomach scare and immediate doc visit #2, I have finally come to terms with my IBS and growing stomach issues. If you know what IBS is- then you probably can relate to my pain, if you don't know- just trust me that ignorance is bliss! I have also discovered Sea Bands- which are amazing, and just incredible, and they should come pre-packaged in the pregnancy kits! I never thought some weird sweatband looking thing could make such a difference- I wear them everyday, and the nausea is about gone- it is a true miracle!

Clothes are also starting to get tight- more from the underlying stomach problems than actual baby, but I am going to continue to capitalize on the fact that my stomach can grow and it is completely ok! First bikini season I have ever looked forward to! On the otherhand, OTHER aspects could lay off the Miracle Grow at any given time, and I would be fine with it!

Baby is the size of an Olive this week... an irony not to be lost on my family- all four chambers of their heart are formed and starting to pump, fingers are no longer webbed, and the "tail" is officially gone- they no longer look like something we would catch from grandpa's lake! Almost 25% done <3


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