Labor Day Reflections

So much excitement in our house! Crib is ready, the walls are slowly getting filled with Nemo decor and the clothes are clean and ready for a squishy baby boy to fill them! Daddy finally mentioned a name he didn't hate- so we are on a good track! But don't get too excited, it will be secret for a little while longer. Over the past week, I think I have popped out- my belly button has disappeared and my stomach muscles have begun revolting against the extra space! I thought the back pain was bad before- oh it has nothing on the newest pains.

On a more positive note, I also broke down and bought a pregnancy pillow (courtesy of zulily)- worth every penny, I wish I would have done it sooner. Everything I read said not to spend the money- that body pillows and changing the placement of your regular pillows would be sufficient- so very un-true. I'm up to about 5-10 contractions a week- more at night than during the day. It does seem like they are more frequent and certainly getting stronger than before- just another sign that we are in fact nearing the end.

One of our friends is on the verge of meeting her little girl, and it is making me even more anxious to meet our little boy. Time is going by so fast! We have our second shower in a week- I think the grandmas are getting pretty psyched about it. I took his mom to get her hair cut yesterday. She has always had long, thin hair. When Derek and I first met she was still sporting the poof on the top- like the mullet action with the short hair on the top of her head that she would curl up and then tease out and make wing looking sides to create the illusion of full hair. Well, whether from coersion or own realization- those have since been grown out, but the hair was still almost to her butt! I tried for years to explain that even though she has thin hair- the thin hair at three feet long is still a lot of weight on your thin hair- and that would be adding to the problem of your hair looking thinner and not holding a style.

SO- My favorite stylist got her to cut off a good seven inches and didn't put the platinum blond streaks back in. It was a small step in the right direction. Grandmas need to start realizing they are grandmas and not twenty somethings. If your shorts are shorter than anything I wear... it's not a good thing. Just because the store is called forever 21 does NOT mean that it makes you look like you are forever 21. Nor does dying your not naturally blond hair blond make you any younger. There should be an age limit on certain clothes sections- my own mother also still wears Aeropostale and bikini tops. Now she does not look her age. but she is the age that she is- and it's a huge insult to see your mother (and mother in law) wearing clothes that you had handed down to your younger sister! This is one of my biggest pet peeves- and I hope that when my son is in high school he doesn't let me still buy things from the same stores as his girlfriends...

So- now that my little rant is finished- back to baby no name. I can also tell where he is in my stomach- he is big enough that I can feel his legs and tell what side he is sitting on. I told dad to come feel him last night and he started to and then freaked out that I was encouraging him to injure our child. Uncle T laughed at him. Two more weeks until we get to see baby again and Uncle T will be in town in a week too, so I really hope his nephew no name is cooperating so we can get a good 3D picture since he won't get to see him until probably Easter next year. It's September already!! Where has the time gone?


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