He is taking over

The babies of the house... Vienna and her competition!

So the "Mom" shower is Saturday, thrown by J & J, my mom and hubby's mom- unfortunately hubby's mom won't be able to make it as in a very unhappy turn of events two family members passed away this week and she will be spending time with her family. So despite her worries and anxiety over not being there, I know it will be wonderful and she will be there in spirit. She brought over her gifts last night (as well as the gifts from her mother that Baby Boy will never get to meet), and just seeing everything makes it so much more REAL! I know I keep saying that, but the closer it gets, the more he moves and the more decorated his room gets with little (now good smelling) baby stuff- the more reality sinks that he will be here in a little more than 10 short weeks! We hit the 29 week mark Saturday and I feel it!

Our friend finally had her little girl, Maci Rae, yesterday- 8:11, 8lb 8oz, and I am so jealous and happy. Jealousy because I get ten  plus more weeks of waiting and happy that they did not have to induce her! She is just the cutest, brightest eyed little girl I have ever seen- and just like all the FB posts say, she really doesn't look alien like- she looks very much like a little pink squishy happy healthy baby. Everyone always says that babies are cute and adorable, but I am well aware that kids that are still getting their non pink complexion can be downright creepy looking. I remember my youngest brother, after his first bath- all I could think of was that he looked like a frog! His legs were all scrunched up still in the way that you expect to see a frog laying. Other kids (I've been told myself included) have enormous ears- or creepy small ones (Like my sister Kate)- so really, not all babies are cute.

And just as an aside, my little squirmy boy, I would be fine if you were a little less cute at birth if it means that you come out a little smaller- now a good 5 pounds would be nice, but anything above 7 and 1/2... let's just lay off the chips and ice cream just in case!

So very pumped for the shower tomorrow, and to get home and get his room even more cozy. Maybe this weekend, or some point in the not too distant future, we can figure out where little Vienna will migrate- since her home is currently in his room, and let's face it- that just won't work. She really is the little practice baby for dad- it cracks me up to see the two of them together and I just have to chuckle and how much alike he thinks she and the baby will be- he is SO in for the shock of his life, and I can't wait!


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