8 x 7 = 56

FIFTY SIX- that is how many days until my "due date"!! That is just unbelievable! 35 days to work, eight weeks total to go... It feels like we could never be this close to the finish line, and yet it is still so far away.

His room is about 100% ready- decor wise at least...

 All the Nemo has been added and daddy and I are both pretty happy with the way that it turned out. My favorite part has to be above the crib with the little saying. Should you not recall the part- Marlin (Nemo's dad) tells Squirt (Crush the turtles son) "Look, you're really cute. but I can't understand a word you are saying." It is when Squirt is explaining to him how to exit the Swirling Vortex of Terror...

Good afternoon. We're gonna have a great jump today. Okay, first crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. There's a screaming bottom curve, so watch out. Remember: rip it, roll it, and punch it

Another favorite has to be the Twilight Turtle. Not that you can see it very well, but it projects stars through the room, and you can change the colors- amber, blue and green. I know it will be a little while until he is big enough to stay in his crib for any length of time, but I feel much more prepared having his little space ready for him.

Our last shower is tomorrow! I am so excited, Vienna got a bath last night and is all ready to put her party dress on and meet new people. Daddy will stay home and I think his mom is coming to visit and review what we got later. Well, I guess she isn't coming to review it- but after every shower she stops over to see what we got and I feel like the people I know are getting judged for what they did or didn't get us.. .just makes me a little uneasy. I am hoping that we can also get some pictures taken tomorrow before we get our big review. I have so many ideas in my head and came to the realization- pathetically- that I need to get them done quickly.... my reasoning- the stretch marks are not going to be able to be hidden very easily and I am getting to the large and bloated all over stage- I think I skipped right over that glow!

 This is how I get dressed each morning... note her size compared to my height. Now consider the size that I currently am and you can understand how the morning routine is nothing short of an Olympic Event... but she is just so stinking cute that you can't help but love her. We have started trying to get her transitioned into understanding that there will be someone else in the house that requires alot more attention. I have no doubt that she will pout, throw a fit and not be happy with the arrangement initially, but she will adjust once she realizes the little Squishy will be a good playmate!

This is how we are preparing her... Meet Chandler Daniel- no- NOT baby's name- although I have probably seen every episode of Friends, and Matthew Perry's new show Go On is a new favorite, I am far from naming my child Chandler- daddy would complete forbid it for starters and Daniel is not exactly a favorite name of mine. 
We put the swing out to try and get her to learn that even though it looks bright and moves around- it is not hers, and for the most part she listens and has started to even ignore it. I have yet to start carrying around little Chandler- but that is the next step. It's a process, but I think it will be better for us all in the long run. 

Tonight I have to run errands after work- just what every large and exhausted person wants to do after work. A stop at the fat lady store to use my "Bucks" from my last trip, two baby clothes stores to use up those "Bucks", the warehouse club for prepackaged chicken (seriously best idea EVER!!) and paper products, and a stop somewhere to get thank you's for the wonderful ladies doing the shower tomorrow. Then home to my little puppy and empty house. Dad is working the football game tonight- better him than me! I don't like foozeball, it is getting cold out, and by the time the game is over and the Boo-Boo bus gets washed it is way beyond my bed time. Then up bright and early tomorrow to get ready for the party and go eat and be merry!

I have been debating getting my winter clothes out- and while most would think, well yes, it IS getting cold out- will you wear shorts all winter? No- but I will probably wear maternity wear and sweatpants- all of which are out alreday, so why concern myself with all the clothes that don't fit and won't for a while... I am thinking on going with ignorance is bliss, and passing on getting anything but sweatshirts and large long sleeved shirts out of my totes. 

I would still REEEEEALLLY like to see Finding nemo in 3D, and I am determined to get dad out for date night soon- but that may be pushing it a bit this weekend. We have class a pre-wedding party and a bon fire all of next weekend, the following is a birthing class followed by a wedding- then another wedding the next weekend! Then it's Halloween season- so it will be manning the Boo-Boo buses and watching cute little ghosts and goblins trunk or treat around the local parks. Then we are cutting it really close to D-Day, so we'll see if any of my plans actually get done.

This is how we spend our evenings/ free time together


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