I think my sanity is coming undone

Happy Friday! What has my week brought? A new haircut, not enough time at home, even less time with the hubby and the latest honor- another trip to OB triage!

I know- my frequent flier card has got to be getting me something good at this point right? It's sad when the registration woman recognizes you... and so do the docs. It started as any other normal Wednesday, up in barely enough time to not be late, watching the little red line get closer to 1/4 on my way on and then a relaxing day at work (insert sarcasm here). Managed to get some free pizza for lunch- not my favorite, but opportune word there was free. About 3 I made my way down the 2 flights of stairs for the 10th time to the bathroom. By the time I got back upstairs and sat down I felt like a completely different person. I was cool and clammy, dizzy, nauseated, short of breath my back started cramping up and I was getting sharp pains across and up my belly.

I'm no doctor, and at this point I am sure I will be awarded hypochondriac of the year award at the office- but it was enough to scare the whits out of me. I texted the hubby and let him know that I felt bad- like NOW, and told him I was going to give it a few minutes to see if it settled down. Now me waiting a few minutes has more to do with my anxiety of leaving work and getting shunned again than with thinking that everything would be hunky dory in 10 minutes. I called the doc- who predictably wanted me to go to triage to check out that I wasn't going into labor and monitor little man.

I finish what I can at work and tell the boss I am having issues and just need my doctor to see me and reassure me (having children of her own, I am hoping she understood the fear). I head to the hospital and they are PACKED!! A woman with twins, a few dehydrations (not me for once!!), a high blood pressure and the woman that came in just after me was sent up from her 35 week ultrasound after they saw that her little girl had dropped weight and she was informed that she would deliver today- add that to my already insanely long list of fears for my future weeks!

After over 4 hours, a very numb butt, a concerned daddy, a sore hand and some reassuring time listening to Squishy's heartbeat and constant movement- I was cleared with another antibiotic (until the cultures came back), and told that should it happen again to lay down, drink and elevate my feet- however, they  did not give me a doctors note with such instructions so I don't see that flying come Monday morning when Payroll is getting processed!

Today, I got the clear to stop the extra meds and to just call with any other changes- thank you little man, you have officially started to undo what little sanity I have left! I still get the stabbing pains every once in a while, and I sometimes get them into my legs, which leads me to believe that he is sitting/lounging/ kicking some nerves in there.  Already on my nerves (literally) he is OBVIOUSLY daddys little boy!

Aunt Katie Loo has started going into spoiling mode and has alreday informed me that she cannot wait until the shower to give me the ever growing pile of stuff she keeps buying. Tomorrow is our first shower with my dads side of the family, and I am psyched! I have decided that Registries are one of the best and worst inventions for pregnant women- 1. You can pick out what you want/ need so you can be pretty sure that you are getting what you will really use, or your guests have an idea of the theme and the things you are interested in 2. HORRIBLE thing to resist the urge to check on said lists to see if things have been bought! You really should just block the store websites after you register and eliminate the temptation all together. My Aunt Karen told me at my cousins bridal shower that she waited until the last possible minute to get anything so that she would be surprised and not know ahead of time- Good Thinking Aunt Karen. I am resisting any urges and counting down the now hours until the party- I am so excited! I really have such an amazing family and one of the best cousins ever to be doing this for me. Pictures to follow, as well as updates of my increasing size- just been a little lazy in the uploading department lately!


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