End of the Second Trimester!

How are things going? Tomorrow (hopefully) I will get to see little man in 3D and (hopefully) pass my glucose test. Starting to get alot of pain really low in my stomach which I am hoping is just stretching and/or Braxton Hicks and not anything serious. Getting up is a challenge- from sitting on the floor, on the couch or even in a chair- it takes time and more effort than one would think necessary.

I had a meeting last week about a new opportunity and after alot of debating and talking with a TON of different people- hubby, Miss Erin, grandma, even my masseuse- came to the decision that January will be a better time to look into other options. With the roller coaster that this pregnancy has already been and the unknowns ahead- I don't feel comfortable not having the stability of my current job.  It was a very rough thing to decide on, and you hate to think you are letting an opportunity slip away- but I think it will be the best in the long run for everyone.

Today I find out if I am getting a niece or nephew- while I still do not approve- I do hope that he or she is healthy and that they get to spend time with their daddy's side of the family. My brother is betting girl- I think he needs a girl to settle him down a bit- in my mind a little boy would be more of a "little buddy" to him than his child. But we shall see if he is right or not.

 My sister also turned 18 on Friday- I can't believe it! It seems like she was brought home yesterday, and now she is an adult- just crazy! We went to Olive Garden (not one of my favorite places to eat) and had some ice cream cake and I was reminded how much it will mean to me to be able to show this little boy how much he is loved. I don't ever want him to think that someone or something is more important than him (or his future siblings). Despite what may have been the best attempts, I feel like most of my life I was given the short end of the stick in that department- but I suppose everyone has their complaints.

Our neighbor had her little girl last week, after 24 hours of labor she finally got a C-Section and then came home Saturday. Her dad was looking beyond exhausted and our friend Tom was graciously reminding my husband that in a few short months that will be him. It still seems surreal- that by Christmas we will have an extra little stocking hanging in our house- I still think Vienna will have some jealousy issues- she will always be our first baby. 

I had to chuckle when my husband told me that he realized that she really has been an eye opener for him and a step to getting used to the idea of a kid. Having only one brother that isn't much younger than him- he didn't have much baby experience. Even when he is at work, he only gets kids in doses of 20 minutes to an hour- not exactly a realistic view. While I have way more siblings than I keep track of, I still have to step back and marvel at how much I know things are going to change and yet how even knowing that I still can't seem to prepare myself for it.

Little man is about 2 pounds and 14-ish inches long- about the size of a head of lettuce, and he can see and hear. I think he is finally starting to stretch out a bit. Before I could only feel him on my right side, and now I can feel him the whole way across- maybe for once he won't be upside down and folded in half for his pictures. I keep telling the doctors when they say that him being upside down is good that he will stay that way until it is time to come out, and then he will flip and be breech- just because. That is the luck that I would have. He still doesn't have all that regular of a "schedule" everything says that you should start noticing his sleeping patterns, and really he is all over the place- apple juice certainly does wake him up though! About 15 minutes after drinking it he wiggles all over, it is pretty funny. I am glad that he isn't so big that him moving hurts, and even with being upside down, his feet have yet to reach (or maybe find) my ribcage or back. I am well aware that that will change in due time.

For now I am just waiting until tomorrow when I get to see how well he is doing and see what the doctors have to say. I get up slow, walk funny and don't stand for extended periods. I toss and turn at night and threaten my husband with his life if he wakes me after I finally get comfortable (which I mistakenly accused him of last night even though it was thunder- but in my defense, the thunder wouldn't have startled me so much if he hadn't also had turned the TV on and turned lights on upstairs to check the weather). Twelve working weeks and four days left! Grow baby Grow!!  Pictures to come tomorrow-  me, baby and Vienna- I've been slacking lately.


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