How time flies!

Happy Belated Fathers Day! Daddy Reed got some coffee for the Kuerig golf shirts, golf shoes, pry bars, and a singing cheeseburger card! Also, newest edition Vienna came home! In his words" the cutest little puppy ever." Pictures to follow. First night home the dryer was going, so I think her little whines were muffled, but the next nights she had no problems waking us up at random hours. Oddly enough- hubby has been taking her out when she whines- I figured I would get the swift kick across the bed to wake me up for "my dog."

She did however manage a great escape the other night. I went to bed, and since she was sleeping and Daddy hadn't showered yet, I just took her towel downstairs with me and laid in bed until he came down. Then I took her upstairs (already well asleep myself by the time he got done), and placed her as quietly as possible into her crate and closed the door. Well, I guess in my little stupor I didn't make sure that the door latched- and when the husband told me goodbye in the morning he informed me that she was hanging out on the couch when he got up. Which explains why she was so quiet all night!

On the pregnancy front- I have officially outgrown any non-maternity pants and shorts- a very sad day. However, as we near the 18 week mark, we can't wait for June 26th- when we get to hopefully find out if mommy or daddy is right! The votes seem to be swaying toward girl, I am 90% sure that even dad thinks it is a girl- which is why he is so insistent about it needing to be a boy! As an added bonus- it will be our 2 year wedding anniversary- a pretty sweet gift if you ask me!

I am pretty sure I can feel little wiggles every once in a while, but they are so little and brief that it is hard to tell if it is yesterdays french fries or little Squishy! I am starting to "feel" more pregnant, I certainly have a bump going on- as was evident by my pants discovery- I can't seem to get comfy when I sleep, i swear my feet are starting to swell (or my shoes are shrinking- BOTH very plausible!), and I require the feeding of a small bird- I want everything all the time, but can only tolerate a few bites. 

Restaurants could really capitalize on this- the pregnancy menu- you get to try a little of everything for the price of one meal! I go in and I want 5 glasses of icy cold lemonade (quite possibly the best thing for this heat!), and some nachos, and cheese sticks, and a salad and chicken tenders and pasta- but REALLY- I only want 5 nachos, 1.5 cheese sticks, half a side salad, a roll, 1 tender and 10 pieces of pasta.

I think daddy to be is starting to feel a little more like a daddy to be and less like the husband of a chubby wife. Vienna has pushed that along a bit, and we got a new truck, which I love.  I informed my husband that if the truck had boy parts, I just may sleep with it! And since "Grandma Taurus" had its air pump compressor thingy go out (*again*), I have been driving the beast all week. 

You could house a small country in the back seat... *swooon*

Only downside is the 15.4 miles to a gallon. While Grandma  gets closer to 19-21, I JUST filled her up before her little stunt, and today as of filling up the truck a second time, I have hit over $150 in gas... for a week! Now I realize that I filled my car up, and when she gets fixed she won't need gas for a good 3.5 days, but it still hurt. The beasts sunroof, sliding rear window, introductory satellite radio and smooth ride make it feel better though!

All sorts of exciting thing at the Reed house, and only getting better. I am counting down the minutes until we go shopping- our cupboards are EMPTY! Mother Hubbard would look like a Kardashian in comparison to what we have. No milk, sugar, eggs, bread, chips, pasta sauce, cheese cubes, potatoes- We are starving!

Looks like she was following the pregnancy menu.. a little of everything!

This is Vienna and I trying to find dinner- only imagine the dog is a shrinky dink that hasn't been baked yet and you get her actual size!
  I don't know if I will be able to hold off another night- I have a feeling KFC is in store for dinner- 10pc with 2 extra sides for $20- and then we will make a trip to the store (hubby's favorite chore!). We need to eat first because we end up spending $50-100 more when we are hungry- he is just as guilty as I am! Maybe this weekend we will manage to move the spare crib to grandmas and vacuum and mop and maybe sleep in... High hopes I know, but a girl can dream!


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