We have the Plague

Our friends told us that we would get the plague when we had kids. 

Now, they would know, having 4 kids of their own- but I guess like everything else, you doubt it until it happens- well lock us up because we have caught something horribly contagious... that or people are just stupid. I think the latter is probably more accurate.

The first was something we expected, someone who used to be what I considered a dear friend. Found out the day she was expecting, we talked almost everyday, I threw her very large baby shower and dealt with the family politics and did everything I could during and after the pregnancy. After throwing the shower, I got no thanks, and was pretty much cut off cold turkey. Tragically, the baby was still born and then I was treated as a foreign person. Now this hurt the non hormonal me- but I just coughed it up to something bad happening (for the 2nd time) and thought maybe she needed time. Well we found out she was expecting again before we had told anyone we were expecting. (She finally told people a few weeks ago as she neared or entered her 3rd trimester). After we announced we were expecting I got a cheap "congrats" text- literally all it said, and then was deleted from facebook. I was told by her that she couldn't handle seeing others pregnant and she had to "clean alot of friends out." I wouldn't have been so offended if she would have said something to me, or if she hadn't days, weeks and months before been congratulating others and saying she was happy and praying for them and their safe babies- I got the cold shoulder and a pathetic excuse for what I consider immaturity. Also- newsflash- she is expecting!! So I am being punished for her not being the only person in the world that is pregnant at one time?! I was beyond hurt and upset and of course those plus hormones lead to full blown pissed off. After voicing my opinions of the immaturity and unfair treatment after what I thought was a friendship- I was blocked, and probably for the better.

The second obvious occurrence is that we had another couple we hung out with- dinner sometimes, vacations, weekend bonfires. They are unmarried and younger and we have been black listed. The same goes for some of our single friends. No longer get texts, don't see them, don't hang out, it's like we peed in their Cheerios! I am glad that a growing stomach means that we are no longer able to hold conversations and we have to eat with the other lepers alone across town. I plan on bringing my screaming kid to your work, I will let them put their dirty fingers all over your clean house (scratch that, this will be OUR kid, so rather- our kid will point out to you that you missed a spot while vacuuming and walk through your house with white gloves noting how filthy it is and that you are taking years off their precious life with the festering dump you call a home)- PLEASE invite us over for an afternoon you childbearing-look-down-uponers!

So I am counting on, and maybe even making a little game of it in my head, others following suit. Maybe the problem is that we didn't have a big circle of friends to begin with- and the people we do see vary so much in age that some were/ are still immature and finding their own way, so it is inevitable that people will start disappearing, but dammit, you can't "catch" pregnancy.. unless you are my little brother, then it seems to just happen....


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