Strike ONE!

As I round out week 15 and am officially into the Second Trimester, I find myself feeling not much different than the first part- the nausea still rears its ugly head and I could probably moon light as a drug dog with the amazing spidey-sense nose I have! Side Effects aside, things seem to be going very well. We will officially settle the house debate on July 12th! By that I mean, doctor will assure him that I am right and baby is a girl, but I guess I shouldn't quite order the pink cake yet.

I think I have passed my first trimester hormones onto my husband- as he has been one moody man lately. Love him to death-  but he is REALLY testing my nerves these days.

In other news, my baby sister graduated yesterday! While she isn't the youngest of my sisters, she is definitely the one I am closest with. 

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see her walk across the stage- I was at a bridal shower. I cancelled my plans for her graduation to go to a bridal shower for MY maid of honor from my wedding 2 years ago. Up until a few months ago, I didn't even know if I was in her wedding or not. She said I was in it when I told her about baby news and said that bridesmaids are wearing black dresses. That's it- that is the detail I got.

Now I understand that not everyone has larger weddings- ours was about 200 people and was everything we wanted. Gorgeous church, SUV Limo, complete with stops at the ice cream stand and a ride in Massillon's Ladder truck,  breathtaking reception hall, great music and scrumptious food. I know some people don't go all out. We have certainly been to less than stellar weddings- everything from dry cookies to lack of beverages to inappropriate attire to coincidental shots of the bride holding a very large knife in a threatening manner toward the groom (THAT one ended in divorce). 

This wedding was supposed to be small, nothing wrong with that- but when you don't even know if you are wanted in the bridal party until a few months before the wedding something is fishy.

The details went from just wear a black dress to- well wear whatever you want to getting a cop out email about making it "Easier on me." Grow a pair and tell me you don't want me in the wedding. Will I be pissed? Hells yes! But will I be less pissed than a generic email trying to make it seem like a "It's not you it's me" speech- just a tad.

So yes, to "make it easier on me," take me out of the wedding, I didn't acquire 2 different black dresses over the past few months, or call off work, or spend a crapload on a gift for you. I also have completely forgotten that when I had MY wedding- you guilt tripped me into picking a dress that the other maid of honor didn't like just because you found one on Ebay and your mom could make it fit you. I ended up buying the others girls dress- which I was told later was simply ripped off of her after the wedding and is in the bottom of her closet- that's not even insult to injury, that's like a piss warm straw-less Capri-Sun in the parking lot of Cedar Point when all you want is a damn drink!

I'm not bitter

So- I just gained a vacation day, and am looking forward even more to next week when I get a mini-vacation day with my dad, brother and the girls and then go home with new puppy Vienna. I can see the silver lining- it's on reflected in the knife I removed from my back!

I just wanted to say thanks for coming down yesterday.  It was great to see you.  I appreciated all your help cleaning up after the shower.  Mom and I were sitting and talking last night about the wedding and you came up.  I want to make it as easy as possible for you for the wedding.  Please do not take this the wrong way, like I said I want to make it easy for you.  Would it be easier if you came to the wedding and sat with your husband, wore whatever you wanted, and then do a reading at the wedding, and take part in something at the reception?  Or would you rather still be part of the wedding, and have to find a dress, and drive two cars down because you would have to be earlier than the husband?  Like I said, I don't want it to be taken the wrong way, I just want whatever will be easiest for you.  Just let me know.  Our wedding party is very small no matter what we end up doing.  Just let me know whats best for you.  

Have a great day momma!

Insert Jim Carey in Liar Liar " click click... de-le-ted"


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