Happy Anniversary!

So it is our wedding anniversary- and what better way to celebrate than with our anatomy ultrasound!? 

In true fashion we got ice cream!

On our way all the way UP in the ladder!

Happiest Day yet!

I've started to feel occasional flutters and find myself waiting for them to appear again. We couldn't be happier with our new doctors- the office staff is wonderful, they aren't crowded, it just seems like we couldn't ask for more.

Oddly enough- our nurse lives in one of the townships that my husband works for- if you have any idea about the blip of no-where that we reside- this is truly something that warrants a background of "It's a small World." We get ushered into the ultrasound room and lubed up with warm jelly. The tech asks the million dollar question: "Do you want to know what you are having"- Oddly, dad didn't jump up and answer before she could finish- so we tell her yes we do.

The ultrasound starts, and since I have started feeling little turns and flutters- it somehow seems more real now than before- we see the legs, the tib/fib, femur- wiggling little feet, arms, flickering heart and little head. The the moment of truth- she moves to a view of under baby and asks- "ok, can you tell if it is a boy or a girl?"

Sure enough our little squishy is a boy! While we both thought girl, he was out to prove us wrong- a little rebel already! As we went through and counted fingers and toes, we got to see how our little man not only tries to suck his thumbs- but he gets both hands in at once! He got quite the little shaking when he wouldn't take his hand off his chest, and was a constant mover except when we needed him moving. It seems weird to say that now I "feel" like we are pregnant, but I do- it's a completely different feeling knowing what you have inside you. To be able to tell people- It's a boy! or to start planning for trucks and camouflage as opposed to hair ties and nail polish. We couldn't be happier!

Uncle Travis was the first to get the news, then the rest of the family will find out Saturday at the 4th of July big reveal picnic. For now, me and my little man are happy to be healthy and closely approaching the halfway mark!

Perfect little toes

The blurry part by his face would be both of his hands in his mouth


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