This little note...

 (My other half and I work opposite shifts- he is on nights and I am on days. The days we have off are seemingly rare and far between, which means that the time we DO have together means that much more. I call everyday when I leave work, and some days I am able to catch him for a solid 10 minutes before he leaves for work. In the mornings, if he doesn't have any other running or get held over we may have the same amount of time before I rush off for school drop-off. Our interactions and communications have become notes and small acts- because that is what we have. The mirrors and windows in the house are often littered with doodles and inside jokes, to remind one another of the good times we had or the moments we are looking forward to. Caden has caught on that this is how we manage. Seeing this evolution and thought process unfold has been adorable simply from a parental perspective, but on a personal level, it has meant so much more to me. 

This blog has been a window into my life, yet this is probably one of the most personal things I have shared. I want it to be here for him to see one day, or for anyone who needs to see that there is hope and the things that drive you to make those difficult decisions, they are worth it. )

This one, sitting here in my car this morning

Or this one, that appeared on the mirror…

The little hands that made the notes- it’s no secret or surprise that they are what make my world go ‘round. There is more to them than that though.

Five years ago, as I mustered up the courage to take a stand for myself, the hands that made these notes were my driving force. I looked down into my two-year old’s eyes and I knew I wanted better for him. I wanted better for all of the friends he would have and for any of the women he would ever learn to love.

I didn’t want him to think it was ok to speak to me in the tone I had become accustomed to. I didn’t want him to miss out on the important life events because chasing that dollar “had” to come first. Mostly though, I didn’t ever want him to be the giver or the receiver of the pain that I felt. I knew even then that he was one of the most hope-filled, kindest and strongest (both in will and stubbornness) children I had ever known. I wanted my son to know better than that. He deserved that much, even if it took me nearly 30 years to figure out that I probably did as well.

I fought and have taught him so much- some from my own childhood and other parts from my relationships. He still wants me to tuck him in “just like a caterpillar” each night, he (mostly) doesn’t fight when my hand is outstretched for his, we can have endless conversations over which of us loves the other more and his passion for holidays and special events is something that simply cannot be described.

These little gestures though, that isn’t something I taught him. He knows that I love him. He knows that we have our own language between the two of us, every mother and son do. This part of him has been taught. He sees how happy mommy is, how calm home can be- even on the days that he has just about snapped my last nerve. He has seen that while he and I have our own relationship, I have another one with the person I care an awful lot for. For this, I am thankful.

I am thankful that he has a positive role model- one who doesn’t push or force anything. Someone who has seamlessly fit into our lives and welcomed us into his own, and is letting the growth process happen as it should. Someone who doesn’t have the ups and downs of emotions depending on work or weather or events beyond our control. I am thankful for you honey.

I built something with you first, and was very nervous about the fact that my foundation would never be without him- and I think we each shared in those nerves, hell, we still do. What we have managed to start to build together, it’s more than I could have ever expected. Thank you for your patience, thank you for your time, thank you for everything that you are to me- and now everything that you are to him. It will always be a relationship in progress, that is what every decent relationship is- but today, today I had happy tears seeing that what I was afraid of all those years ago has turned into something amazing. That little note, that was you.

Good days on good days yo


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