A little Daffodil

I am excited to announce I am an aunt!

Well, in reality I am an aunt again, but due to.... parental situations.... I was actually able to see my niece the day she was born! Lily Autumn, but I call her Daffodil- Lily is the name of our lizard at home, so Daffodil is what I chose. She was a whopping 7lb 10oz! I realize this is not a "big" baby, but with the fond memories of my little 6lb Caden- she felt huge!

It was somewhat emotional to see my little brother holding his daughter- my little baby Crispy is all grown up! His girlfriend (and I use that term loosely) managed to give birth in the tub un-medicated as she wanted.... more power to you in my opinion! I think that by the time she realized she wanted drugs it was to the "suck it up cupcake" point- and she has a family history of fast deliveries. Lily is a welcome addition to the family, and while I question the preparedness of the parents (i.e. had the baby seat facing the wrong direction and failed to buckle her in properly for the ride home)- I am looking forward to watching my brother evolve into this new role in his life.


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