The Beat goes on...

My accomplishments since the last update:

- Caden had to have his mic-key changed out because it was not holding water
- I survived a week of the MIL at my house while I was at work and have lived to tell about it
- Proud recipient of three more business world "It's not you it's me" letters
- One night (well three hours) away from the husband and the baby for an appetizer and drink with a friend

Really the highlights I suppose. I keep telling myself that things will settle enough that I can start getting into a work out regimen- or really any sort of routine- but with daddy always at work at any given moment and juggling the every other week with the in-law at home and the drive- I just don't see continuity anytime soon. I have decided to take a leap and start applying for some part time jobs- as much as I don't want something just part time- I think as long as I can get the bills covered that are necessary and if I can find two jobs that are more what I want- I would rather do that than sit and wait, spinning my wheels getting nowhere except closer to a Xanax prescription.

Caden is doing great- he seems to have fussy days when his schedule switches- my big issue with not wanting to do this shared babysitting crap. BUT- hubby assured me he would stay to the same schedule- the problem with this... NO ONE asked me what his schedule was! So he is very fussy for the first 2-3 days that the in-law is watching him, which means a long cranky night and then he doesn't sleep the whole way through the night. I have decided that next week, hubby will be in charge of getting up with him since his mom is watching him, and I will get up with him the days that my dads girlfriend is watching him- only fair!

He is smiling all the time, he coos, he is starting to get a little giggle and he has discovered that things are more fun when he can grab them and place them into his mouth- it's pretty adorable. He is also getting SO long that he is outgrowing some of his 6 month clothes! Just growing so fast. All I want to do is sit at home and play with him :)

This weekend is my little brothers baby shower for his little Lily that is due on a few short weeks. I can't believe he is going to be a dad! I also know that he has no idea what he is in for... I think him and the girlfriend/ not- girlfriend just think it is a cute kid that people will coo over. We were as ready as possible for Caden, we tried for him, saw doctors and planned ahead and as much as I love the little caterpillar- he is the most stressful and difficult thing to happen to me. He is a very good baby, doesn't really cry or get too fussy- and he is still a handful and I have days that I question whether I was really ready or not.It will be a life changing experience on many levels for the two of them!

Those are about all the updates I have. I think I am going to start a more "businessy" blog to rant about my views on being a woman with her Masters degree searching for a job and self satisfaction while juggling a baby, career and home life- real interesting stuff there! I have added it to my never ending list of things to do... what can I say, I'm a list maker- and I get ridiculous satisfaction from knowing I have completed something on my list and making that little check-mark- yes in the dictionary under pathetic you will see my high school yearbook picture. Other goals- obviously pre-pregnancy weight, and then a little better than pre-pregnancy weight, reading more, staying current on news and events, certifications for my profession, being able to work from home, kicking the nail biting habit (thanks dad!), and building a better relationship with my family and husband.  Just to name a few. For now, I will just work on the list on my desk... the never ending list on my desk....


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