End of my first week back!

Annnnd- I spent the past two days at home.

Figure that out! I spend almost three weeks of my time off in and out of doctors offices and hospitals and I go back to work for THREE days and I am sick! Our IT guy was sick on Monday and then had to spend quite a bit of time in my office fixing my computer (it hates him.... no lie), and one of my bosses was sick with what had to be two sniffles away from the Bubonic Plague on Monday and spent time in my office all week proclaiming that he was " feeling better just a scratchy throat at this point, like strep." Thank-you for your germs!

I have felt horrible- I felt it starting Tuesday night and by Wednesday morning I was armed with cold medicine and a bottle of Cepacol throat spray! By Thursday I was calling in reinforcements to watch Caden so I could sleep. Aunt Kate came out and brought soup and gave me some much needed zzz's. Managed to get a doc appointment today and she said it doesn't seem like influenza, but I am very obviously congested, and will more than likely start to feel better and then get a secondary infection in a few days and to watch out for it and come back in to get antibiotics. Oh, and Caden will most likely be next. 

Another little cherry on top of my first week back at work sundae- today was payday, and despite the fact that we have some weird pay schedule and we get paid for Wed-Tues and not Mon-Fri- I *should* have had at least a partial paycheck in the bank, and I got nuthin... So I have to wait another two weeks to have any money in my account- add this into the fact that my daily commute is over 140 miles you can imagine that having no paycheck is not a good scenario. Thank God my husband is able to help out, and I am thankful for that, but still not a fan of being in this position.

So- silver lining... I have been asked to a first interview for a position I would LOVE! It is at my high school and while it is making a little less than what I would like to be making- it is more than I am currently making, with less driving, being closer to my family and the benefits and perks compensate for the salary. I also have another interview for elsewhere that is more aligned with what I want to be doing. The downside to getting a new job would be leaving some of my coworkers who I do genuinely love- BUT I know they understand my position and the fact that at this point in my life I need to be looking for a career long term- and not a career I may get in twenty plus years when someone retires. 

As I sit here in the dark with my sleepy little man wiggling in my arms, I am reminded that I need to do more things for myself and I shouldn't be forced to settle. I am taking this outlook not only in my work life but in my personal life as well. My brother on my fathers side had his daughter January 10th- he has yet to meet her. They broke up in December and he already has a new girlfriend- in my opinion not acceptable. It is like seeing my father when I was born! Now, Jake and I are not quite a year apart- I am born Feb 22nd and he is Feb 9th of the next year... different moms. I asked him about seeing his daughter and his excuse is that he doesn't have the money for a lawyer and her mom is crazy. Well- HIS mother isn't exactly sane (as I recall her standing in my high school office screaming that I was crazy), and I think it is just an excuse to not take responsibility.

My brother on my mothers side is expecting a daughter in April (yes, there was a rash of baby girls)- and his girl-friend has moved out and keeps commenting on how she is getting child support from him. My sister on my mothers side was pregnant when I had Caden and is not now... Basically- I've got alot of crazy in my family on alot of levels. 

So- what else? Since being sick, I have got some crazy pain in my stomach along where my c-section incision is. I asked the doctor about it and she said unless it gets much worse or shows signs of infection, she is just thinking for now that it is sire from me being sick and using muscles I am not used to when I cough. It feels like something is ripping when I sit or stand, it's crazy. I had a minor "discussion" with dad last night. I had Caden on his playmat and wanted to try and eat some soup and he didn't like that I wasn't letting him (dad) have a break after coming home from work- he was up since four after all. I told him that I am up all the time with Caden and that the one time I ask for help he gives me crap- he piped down pretty quick. 

Other than that- every day is a new adventure! Caden has a favorite show (yes I let him watch TV occasionally)- Jake and the Neverland Pirates- he will "talk" to the screen, it cracks me up! He is staying awake much more and is just about to the point of laughing. I sing him the theme song to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse- a song I know from babysitting in high school- and he likes it- he's too young to know I'm tone deaf. He has also discovered how much he loves his fingers and is starting to try grasping things and will lay on his play mat swatting at his toys for quite a while before getting annoyed. Three months old next week! So hard to imagine. I am syncing my Ipod with all the kids music my aunt gave me, and  I am 100% certain I am way more excited about it than he will ever be, and I fully intend on listening to it while at work and using the "oh, that's just on there for Caden" excuse. I am also excited to break out some old school kid shows: Fragglerock, Bear in the Big Blue House and Stanley! Caden will have the coolest mommy in his preschool class! With any luck that class will also get him some street cred when he gets older ( not every little boy can say they attended an all girls school )

That's all for now- bridal shower this weekend and then two interviews this week. Hopefully I start feeling a little better and can spend some more time with Caden- my goal is to get to the point where I can strap him to me while I do some exercises on the Wii fitness board. Currently me and Wii are having a bit of a tiff- she told me I was 17 years older than I was and made my Mii overweight and wearing a belly shirt (to accentuate her beer gut), my one year goal to lose 10 pounds proved unattainable and she suggested I give myself a longer time frame.. thank you Wii board... shove it! Still about 18 pounds shy of pre-pregnancy weight, and hubby wants to go on vacation this year- so I fear the Jillian Michaels DVD will have the dust brushed off it and I may actually have to stick to her 60 day shred program- but for now, I am just going to enjoy my glass of chocolate milk and watch some pirates with the little love of my life!


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