It ain't easy being green

or a working mom...

Officially completed a FULL week of work. Add in two interviews two doctor appointments and one giant hubby blow up and you have my week! The doctor went well- the surgeon showed me how to change out Cadens Mick-key button... it is not pleasant (for either of us). Imagine putting an earring into an infected ear- that is the sensation. But I managed to get it changed and we were on our way to the next doctor. At his pediatrician we got some AMAZING NEWS!- He is finally at a good point on the growth chart- after spending his first several weeks in the single digits as far as percentiles go- he made an enormous leap to the 35th percentile- the doctors (and mommy) were thrilled! His tube, as much as we didn't want it, has made such a difference. I proudly sport my "I heart a Tubie" shirt knowing that it has made a world of difference in my little trooper.

Daddy doesn't think my support for "tubies" and organizations that help raise awareness is normal but I don't really care. I love my son, and I am not ashamed of what he had to go through- he is the toughest little boy I know and I want people to know. I wish I would have met someone else that had to go through all this- before our hospital stays I was clueless, and just thrown into a world of questions and scary diagnosis'. I hope to be able to help out other parents someday and plan on doing what I can to help the organizations that raise awareness and donate/help the families going through all of this. That said- it has been a very rough hubby week... or rather past few days. It comes with the new parent territory I suppose, but it has been rough. I feel just... unhappy. 

There is too much going on with his new job and me going back to work, finding a happy medium for taking care of Caden and everything at home- it has been a struggle. He suggested (in my opinion already committed) his mother stay at our house to watch him everyday- and no matter what argument I make against it- it is just me being mean to her and not me trying to have a valid point. I want her to get a job- I refuse to be the reason she has no insurance, healthcare or retirement, I think she needs to take care of herself right now mentally and emotionally and an infant won't help that at all, and almost most importantly- I want my dad to be able to see his grandson and my current arrangement allows for that. Since my dad lives so far away- he won't get to see him much otherwise, and now he sees him every night when he drops him off to me. My husband (has valid points also) doesn't think I should be wasting the gas when his mom offered to come to our house for free every day (again- I don't want to be the reason she has no $ either because she is driving to our house free of charge- I feel like her doing this will make me indebted to her, and I don't like that feeling).

So I am sure a big "summit" if you will, will ensue this weekend, and I hope we all survive it in one piece and wearing the same jewelry we entered into it wearing. 

Work- we have auditors at work, and it hasn't been fun. My rant a few months ago about fixing a bunch of jobs and discovering how screwed up all the billings/ receipts were... well ALL that hard work was undone when I was gone- AND my boss recently discovered that what I was doing was correct (and oddly enough she thinks it was her bright discovery and "new" news)- so I have to once again spend WAY more time than I would like to fixing and re-doing all the stuff I did last year... just ridiculous- I am glad that I can make 1/5 of your salary to fix what you do! grumble grumble. Also- today the two other women on my floor were nice enough to sneak out the back stairwell to go to lunch and avoid asking if I would like to join them.. now I did nothing wrong- I don't exclude them- but they blatantly just disappeared come lunch time. I was left lunch-less and alone. D-Bgas.


I am hoping to get some good playtime in this weekend with Mr. Caterpillar and maybe get him rolling over! He is so alert and happy now, he loves singing and talking- just the most adorable thing ever. Hard to believe he is three months old already! Time really does fly. I moved him into size one diapers last week and this weekend I think he will officially be out of his three month size clothing! He also got a batch of new g-pad covers and sports them like a champ 
SpongeBob Tubie Whoobie!!
Love my little man... and his sister :)
Mommy time

Chillin out together

When mommy was sick :(

His Tubie Friend!!! We haven't named him... maybe just Tubie...

>>>>> Interview #1 is a no-go :( ... "we will keep your resume on file should something else come up" the working worlds version of "it's not you it's me"<<<<<


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