
Showing posts from August, 2012

That's my boy!

Dear Little man- I hope you are enjoying being a  pain now and are getting it out of your system before your big arrival. A little cooperation at some point would be nice- and moving upwards a bit would also be appreciated. Love, Mommy  After much prodding and tilting- Squishy wasn't going to cooperate. He is still upside down and very snug next to my bladder- which explains why walking and standing are very painful at this point. Since he was happily squished pretty low in my pelvis- we tried 3D and got something that resembled a Mars mission photo. He was also being shy and was reluctant to show off his man goods. Hands were still on his face and in tight little fists. He measured in at 2 pounds 1 ounce and everything looked good. We have reached the viability point and while we have no desire to test any theories- if he was to debut today he would be able to make it with a little extra TLC and medical help. I was prescribed a belt for the abdominal pain, since

For the big Debut!

So, as we widdle down the weeks and I anxiously await the afternoon and a view of my little Einstein- I have decided to compile the things that people SHOULD give/ do when they visit momma in the hospital or for the first time at home after baby's arrival. This is for you co-workers- none of those generic congrats blue carnations!;)   The traditional would be flowers- which are always nice, and I am a sucker for pretty smelly things- these are some of my favorites. I LOVE the dog collection . Sadly, some of the dogs I have purchased haven't turned out exactly as I hoped- but they are still cute. Anything that has a good strong smell- like the hydrangeas are nice too, because you can enjoy them even when you don't see them. Something that is sadly under-looked is plants- then you can see them every year! Rosebushes, mums, even houseplants (Assuming they are non-toxic if ingested, because lets' face it junior will put everything in his mouth at some poin

End of the Second Trimester!

How are things going? Tomorrow (hopefully) I will get to see little man in 3D and (hopefully) pass my glucose test. Starting to get alot of pain really low in my stomach which I am hoping is just stretching and/or Braxton Hicks and not anything serious. Getting up is a challenge- from sitting on the floor, on the couch or even in a chair- it takes time and more effort than one would think necessary. I had a meeting last week about a new opportunity and after alot of debating and talking with a TON of different people- hubby, Miss Erin, grandma, even my masseuse- came to the decision that January will be a better time to look into other options. With the roller coaster that this pregnancy has already been and the unknowns ahead- I don't feel comfortable not having the stability of my current job.  It was a very rough thing to decide on, and you hate to think you are letting an opportunity slip away- but I think it will be the best in the long run for everyone. Today I fi

It's Thome's week!

In case you didn't get the title- we have made it to 25 weeks! also Jim Thome s number from the Cleveland Indians . Funny aside- my ex- stepfather looks JUST LIKE Thome- it is one of those odd coincidences . SO- How is little man doing - well, I have given up anything resembling sleep or comfort. It seems like the nights I don't spend tossing and turning lead to days where my back, shoulders and legs are in so much pain at the end of the day that the final trip up the stairs into the house is just agonizing! I think I am going to give the prenatal yoga DVD  a shot and see where that gets me. Returned some pants that didn't fit (bought the wrong size), got some new ones that fit much better and my skin has FINALLY started to clear- thank you Miss Erin and your magic Mary Kay toner! My face feels so much better and less oily and clogged. I think this little boy is confused- he goes against ALL the wives tales- I want sweets, he has taken my beauty- he is a little tr

A Good Time

Family shower was yesterday- and it was a blast! Getting to see aunts and cousins and just spending time with everyone reminds me how much family means. The cake was amazing- the same kind we had at our wedding, the food that everyone made was GREAT- cookies, pretzel salad, pasta salad, mocktails, fruit salad and chicken from Chick-Fil-A (even pregnant I am pretty easy to please food wise). Afterwards daddy got to enjoy unpacking, unwrapping and washing. Having the "stuff" for our little man makes him even more real and even closer than before! Cousin K got us the baby necessities, aunts got us clothes, cradles and a stroller and grandma went overboard with everything under the sun (including a Mike Wazowski onesie!). We couldn't be happier or more thankful to have such a great family and that even with as large as our family is- we still are able to stay in touch and do things that people with small families have a difficult time doing. Dr. K is of co

I think my sanity is coming undone

Happy Friday! What has my week brought? A new haircut, not enough time at home, even less time with the hubby and the latest honor- another trip to OB triage! I know- my frequent flier card has got to be getting me something good at this point right? It's sad when the registration woman recognizes you... and so do the docs. It started as any other normal Wednesday, up in barely enough time to not be late, watching the little red line get closer to 1/4 on my way on and then a relaxing day at work ( insert sarcasm here ). Managed to get some free pizza for lunch- not my favorite, but opportune word there was free. About 3 I made my way down the 2 flights of stairs for the 10th time to the bathroom. By the time I got back upstairs and sat down I felt like a completely different person. I was cool and clammy, dizzy, nauseated, short of breath my back started cramping up and I was getting sharp pains across and up my belly. I'm no doctor, and at this point I am sure I will