That's my boy!

Dear Little man- I hope you are enjoying being a pain now and are getting it out of your system before your big arrival. A little cooperation at some point would be nice- and moving upwards a bit would also be appreciated. Love, Mommy After much prodding and tilting- Squishy wasn't going to cooperate. He is still upside down and very snug next to my bladder- which explains why walking and standing are very painful at this point. Since he was happily squished pretty low in my pelvis- we tried 3D and got something that resembled a Mars mission photo. He was also being shy and was reluctant to show off his man goods. Hands were still on his face and in tight little fists. He measured in at 2 pounds 1 ounce and everything looked good. We have reached the viability point and while we have no desire to test any theories- if he was to debut today he would be able to make it with a little extra TLC and medical help. I was prescribed a belt for the abdominal pain, s...