
Showing posts from April, 2012

A Little Awareness

While I have yet to feel my little baby or hold them in my arms, I already can't imagine life without them. So I think it is appropriate to take time to be thankful for what we already have and hope and pray for what is to come. Here is a few link with a family that hasn't been quite as fortunate: On Good Friday at around 3:30 p.m., Laura and Mike Canahuati of Houston got a call from a neurologist confirming their worst fear. The tests results showed their 5-month-old daughter Avery has a rare and incurable genetic disorder. Avery was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy , a genetic disorder that attacks spinal neurons and progressively debilitates muscle function. Avery's was Type 1, the most severe kind, and doctors told them their little girl had only 18 months to live.-- From ABC News This site is written in the perspective of a little girl who was given only 18 months to live. Her daily accomplishments are docume

What can a quarter buy you?

Well, as I get amazingly close to that 10 week mark, *a quarter of the way done* (something worthy of the underline, Bold, Highlight and Star- thank you Ms. Bircher- BONUS!) , and I have managed the whole day with no SeaBands! and it wasn't even intentional- ok so the morning had a little Zofran lift, but that is nothing new . Also, to add to the list of things that should be included in your pregnancy test is the book "Everybody Poops." Now I assume this is an actual book, and not just some lore that parents taunt there middle school aged children with- but at this stage in life, I feel I speak for all pregnant women when I say it is not about embarrassment or life lessons, but encouragement- and perhaps a little light at the end of the tunnel that at some point your innards will start working again and you will have a genuine "baby bump" and not just a "my tacos from last week that are still hanging around" lump. Apparently it IS  real book!!

If I could consume my bed!!

Now,  I have read all of the books, articles and stories on weird cravings, and while I don't think I've had many- tacos mid-day, gumballs amid watching the scene in bedtime stories when it rains gumballs, salads with creamy Italian dressing (now that I am also hungry), I have never craved my bed quite like I do now. Every night it seems like I shower earlier and earlier just to get there sooner- and let me tell you, I can't keep my eyes open 5 minutes after I hit that heavenly place! Indians were on last night (getting their butts kicked by the Royals), and I started watching at the top of the 6th and was out by the 7th! They lost, 4-2, which is just disappointing, and lucky for me I didn't waste any precious time that I could have been sleeping to watch. **Disclaimer** Unless making reference to not knowing anything about sports, or my general disgust in them- this will be my ONLY vise in that department- I love me my Indians, could care less about foozeball, bas

Bellyitch: What do your pregnancy cravings mean?

Bellyitch: What do your pregnancy cravings mean? Justifies some of what I have wanted... Olives, PB (something I have NEVER liked)... but maybe not so much the gumballs.... But Adam Sandler and Bedtime Stories may have had a little more to do with that

It's getting out!

So by now the parents and grandparents know! Some a little less enthusiastic and reactive than others, but I can't say I had high hopes. His mother was hysterical and crying, my dad played let's make a deal for an hour to get Facebook posting rights. It's good to not have to worry about slipping up, but still slightly scary that I know the endless possibilities of things that can go wrong. First official "Full Scale" physical will be next week and by then our little "Squishy" should have discernible arms and legs. Then another 3 weeks and we will be released from specialist #1 and onto specialist #2. After stomach scare and immediate doc visit #2, I have finally come to terms with my IBS and growing stomach issues. If you know what IBS is- then you probably can relate to my pain, if you don't know- just trust me that ignorance is bliss! I have also discovered Sea Bands- which are amazing, and just incredible, and they should come pre-packaged in

Bursting at the seams

Now I am well aware that there is no way I am showing and my already confused and annoyed intestines are the culprit of my "too many McNugget" belly- but just for kicks, I blame the squish and her (this has become a full on house debate) constant growing. It is very hard to keep it in- all you want to do is flash that fuzzy little spec to everyone you see- we decided that Mothers Day would be "the day" to tell the parents and close friends- well not everyone made it to that date..... Some slipped (thank you Danny), some we couldn't keep in, and some we just couldn't wait to see reactions from- so whenever YOU found out- trust me that it was your time and we were very happy to share the news!

I can't do that!

After seeing our squish for the first time, I got a litany of restrictions! Being pregnant means you can't do alot- and just as Captain Morgan came out with his version of the Daileys freeze & squeeze bags- if you don't know what I am talking about, well you have not lived - It's like Wet Willies anytime, and if you don't know what that is, then I don't think we should be associated! Squishy 7.5 weeks No lifting (good-bye fire calls!!- I am the official clip board holder on the squid-mobile) , no hotdogs (just in time for summer camp outs) , no drinking, no dying my hair, no exercising (ok- nothing that gets my heart rate over 140- do they not know how we got INTO this mess!?) , no seafood, no smoking, no doing laundry, no using cleaning chemicals, no watching excessive episodes of Cops, get more sleep and eat more ice cream. I swear- doctors orders!!