All Boy!

Sixteen Months in, and I think that the reality is NOW setting in that this kid is 100% BOY! 

Sure, I saw the ultrasound, I picked out the blue shirts and the Nemo decor. We trimmed the winky down and gave him his late grandfathers name, but NOW as the though of chasing him through the house exhausts me, I realize the meaning of having a little boy. The kid goes non-stop, he pauses only to consider what else to destroy or climb.

The sitter has her couch in the middle of the living room since he decided the window between the living and kitchen would make a nice crawl space and he tried to dive into the kitchen sink. He has been found standing on the piano (yes, STANDING on the keys), he climbs in and out of the bathtub, up and down stairs, all over couches, under chairs and over any object that looks like it is mount-able (and even a few that are not-so-much).

We are in the midst of transitioning to a hard topped sippy cup, and some days are better than others, still have four teeth total- two on the top are *almost* visible while laughing and the bottom two we know are there, but they choose when to actually show themselves. Child dentures will be on his Christmas list this year. He has also developed a love for a stuffed dog, really it is a pillow that we call "puppy"- one of those mushy pillows with the squishy beads that I am sure is only rated for people between the ages of 27 and 36 that are not on drugs and agree not to do drugs or fall asleep while enjoying said pillow. Well, he has fallen in love with the pillow, it is made to look like Clifford and is probably ten years old, so there is (of course) no replacement. He sleeps with it and insists on carrying it around when he doesn't feel good.

Looking at his bed, you would think you were playing a rousing game of "I Spy." It includes two blankets- he likes to roll one up and he holds a second, a pillow pet penguin, Glowy the Glo worm that he turns on and off to get to play the song he likes, Twilight Turtle, Jaavi the Scentsy Hedgehog, Mike Wyzowski the pillow and a projector that also plays soothing music and puts an ocean scene on the ceiling. Yes, he can work every item in the crib- and he knows if one is missing, and when he wakes himself up at night, he turns them on and puts himself back to sleep... so I am fine with each and every one!

Little toddler man is also as ornery as ever. Dog food is his biggest downfall, the kid loves it! It seems that his goal in life is to find a way to get to the food, consume the food and then put remaining food in the water dish. If at this point he still hasn't been caught, he should then place any and all nearby objects into the water

dish. When caught, he promptly says "bad boy" walks away, and returns when he thinks you are not watching- sometimes he even puts his hand out for you to pull him away! Oy Vey!

Books are a new interest as well, so the house is full of books, every nook and cranny, it is my own version of paradise! From Rainbow Fish to Where's Spot? even if he "reads" two pages and is on to the next, his fascination with turning the pages and seeing the pictures makes something deep inside my soul shine. THAT is something that a television or a computer or an iPhone can never replace. He likes the animal books and has started trying to imitate animals. We have: Bunny (Hop Hop), Cow (Moo), Monkey (Ooo Ooo) & Cat (A very quiet high pitched squeal). He knows what dogs and fish are as well, and can brush his teeth and hair and knows where his nose and belly are and can find the nose on others.

Singing and dancing are very entertaining in our house, too. Little Einsteins is a very popular show- "Pat Pat Pat" and "Blast-Off" are common phrases, although BigBlock SingSong is still Number One. On the few days that it has been warm enough to be outside, he has LOVED being out, and hated having to come in, so I know this summer will be all about being in the backyard with him, and gives me even more reasons to wish this crappy cold winter would just be over already. 

It is just crazy that he is almost a year and a half! To see him want to help, and to see how TALL (he is such a bean pole) and how articulate he is getting, it just blows my mind. My baby is all grown up.


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