We got the official blessing to start real food... so how has it been going?

Well, much better than I anticipated! The only food he seems to be "against" is sweet potatoes- and I am sure he gets that from me, because I won't touch those nasty things either! I also get an array of funny faces when attempting the broccoli/carrot/ cheese mixtures- it has some bigger pieces in it, so I don't know if it is the taste or texture, but again, not forcing because I am also not a fan of cheese covered veggies. I am a rare breed that prefers simple steamed and lightly salted veggies- hold the butter and salt PLEASE!

So, yes, food has been great- so much that I cut out some tube feeds and am anticipating that after the nutritionist adds up his caloric intake that she will advise me to just use the tube for some hydration and not for any actual feeds. He LOVES- and yes, I mean that in all caps- his sippy cup. The boy sees that little cup and he goes nuts, it s adorable. His first little tantrum was actually because I would not give him his cup! Little drama king.

So what exactly was the verdict? Well, he does in fact still have dysphasia (inability to properly swallow) BUT as was expected, with food and thicker liquids, he can swallow. Now, this is all "uncharted territory" and I still have to watch when he eats for any signs of distress and we are still in the positive food only mode- but luckily he is catching on pretty quick. I have thickener for his sippy cup and all his food is about as thick as chocolate pudding (or stage 2 bananas as the therapist told me). He is doing better than anyone thought and I can only hope and pray that it continues. Our big issue right now is getting him transitioned into eating in his high chair.

Since he is so used to being fed in his "rock n play" he likes to eat there. While this works for the sippy- because he lays back to get it to tilt- for feeding, I really want him to get more into the sitting in the chair and eventually at the table with dad and I- but none the less it is such a good transition and change that I am elated even if I have to work around his positioning a bit longer! 

I get anxiety when others feed him- mainly the in-law, yes I know broken record, but I think my fears are compacted by the fact that my husband just thinks she walks on water. Just because she had two kids (well over 25 years ago) does NOT mean that she understand Caden's circumstances! Try explaining that and it turns into an argument of "you don't like my mom"- regardless of the fact that my own parents and siblings get the same talk and instructions, and actually have it worse because I have access to them all day to check in on him and pass on advice that I am sure goes in and out.

After many weeks of hubby absence, I am hoping that he is finally home for a bit. I was starting to feel like a single parent and between the emotions and work and everything else going on- it was taking its toll! Work has been something for the record books... but more on that some other time I suppose.

For now my little man is as happy as ever and truly growing like a weed! Weight check up in two weeks, follow up with nutritionist and then another follow up with the Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy team to see how his development is coming along. We have mastered rolling as well as the backwards shuffle. If the incentive is enough- he can rock himself forward, which in my incredibly biased opinion is pretty adorable to watch. He recognizes words and grabs at everything. Teething is also on our agenda, and thank goodness for frozen toys!

Also, since he is still eating smaller amounts than most kids, I have been using ice cube trays to freeze his food for the week so it stays good and he can have variety- these little frozen pops work wonderfully in the "food net" that he has. It is still messy, but alot safer and healthier than any Popsicle I could give him and since we were told by our pediatrician to avoid Orajel if at all possible, it has been a good alternative. Still not too into the finger foods- like the baby puffs- liked the graham crackers, but they crumbled so fast and in such big chunks that they made me nervous, so they will be netted before trying again. It is odd that something as simple as eating can make me so happy- but after all we went through... it feels like he just got an acceptance letter to Harvard!!


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