Not the aim I was hoping for

After our tube adventures last week- I was looking forward to some normalcy again, and wouldn't you know  every time I think that the world proves me wrong!

All weekend Caden was pretty sleepy- which isn't all that unusual. I like to get as much "mommy-time" in as I can over the weekends, so when he is up we are usually pretty active. Sunday afternoon he started getting a little fussier than usual and when it came time for his 2 pm feed he was screaming- like he was in pain. I stopped his feed and let him calm down a bit and then tried to feed him again at five. I was able to get the rest down and he napped afterwards. Come eight thirty it was time for dinner and bed for the little tyke and everything seemed to be going smoothly. We got him laid down and daddy and I tried to catch up on some of the DVR'd shows. I heard little man talking in his crib and sent dad to investigate.

He came back with a Caden in arms and said he was wide awake in his crib. He stat with dad for a bit and then started getting a little fussy and before we knew it he was puking. Now to use the word "puke" isn't a good description- he was projectile vomiting! I feel sure that his little ab muscles got a workout from all the wretching he was doing and then continued to do even after all of his dinner had been expelled. As if the situation wasn't bad enough- we had no water at home, our septic was having problems and the water people wouldn't be out until the next day. So all vomit covered parties had to bathe with baby wipes.

I had dad cancel his mother from coming over and decided that he would be seen by a doc first thing in the morning. I managed to get him to sleep and he slept in my arms all night, and rather fitfully at that. We were both pretty exhausted come morning. I called as son as the office opened and they said his doctor was out of town for the week- just my luck. I knew from our expedition last week that his surgeon was also out of town for two weeks, so against what I wanted, we took an appointment with the doc that was taking his place. I packed up, went to work to get some things done and sent little man to grandma Gina for a few hours until his appointment.

Now, nothing out of the ordinary happens until my boss is out of town! Currently she is in warm Punta Cana with her son and his girlfriend (son and GF are still in HS- a story that can be debated and discussed another day as I find the whole scenario something I would avoid at all costs!). Last time she went out of town I was pregnant and ended up in the hospital for a few days with a bad kidney infection- just bad timing. So I rush to the office to get the deposit made, process payroll, stamp everything tie up some loose ends and before you know it I am rushing back out of the door to get him to his doctors. In this time period he has managed to show grandma Gina just how good he is at throwing up and manages to give her back everything she tried to give him from lunch- making it a whopping six ounces that he has contained in almost 16 hours... not exactly a good thing.

He still has no fever, he always feels cool and clammy to me because he is a pretty sweaty baby and I have no idea if the two recent tube changes are related to his sudden projections. We get in to see the doctor- who is one of the two doctors that was suggested to us back in December when we were desperately looking for someone else to be his pediatrician after the blatant disregard for his issues. The doc comes in- and you can tell that the poor guy needed to become a doctor or a puppy surgeon because that is his only saving grace! He was a fragile bean pole of a guy with awkwardly curly hair and the looks of a stereotypical "geek." After a few questions and some pushing on his belly he says an infection or blockage isn't his concern (wasn't really mine either as he had no fever or signs of constant pain), he decides to send him for a g-tube study to see what happened when he gets fed and see if he can watch what his stomach does. It sounds like he is equating this to acid reflux.

In most kids acid reflux is combatted with meds or thickening foods- since Caden has a G-tube we can't really thicken anything and he is already on acid meds.I don't think the g-tube study is going to show much except that , yes, he throws up his food. Cutting back on his volume and slowing his feeds is causing, in my opinion, alot more issues. He will constantly have a slightly full feeling- throwing off the routine we have used for weeks now and not allowing him to have any sort of "hunger" associations and his total volume (and subsequent calories) per day is cut almost in half- which isn't going to help with the fact that he has a tube for FTT (Failure To Thrive- i.e. no weight gain). So I will follow what the doc said and keep an eagle eye on everything that goes in and comes out of him as well as any of his moods and changes. I wasn't impressed with the stand-in doc and I felt like I was being brushed off as an overconcerned mom. With his history and everything we have been through- I think I have every right to be overly concerned- I am afraid of dehydration, or oral aversion, or of having to re-teach him what hunger is in addition to re-instating a new routine. Just not a very happy mommy!

As if all of the above wasn't enough for my little mind- daddy went home from work sick... so I am headed home later  to a mother in law and all her opinions on both of the childrens' ailments- of all days for me to forget my Babies R Us returns... grumble grumble. Thank GOODNESS my boss is sending me pictures of the clear water and blue skies in Punta Cana!.... in the words of my eight grade self mind "NOT!"


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