Our Big Adventure Part Three

So after being admitted and right before the holiday and over a weekend, you can imagine that tests were only getting done in emergency cases. His Upper GI was scheduled for Monday as was his EEG. The neurologist also ordered an MRI. Dr Kera came to see him Saturday and was there when the doctor made her rounds and asked some questions and suggested the MRI try and be done without anesthesia if possible.

His EEG came back normal, and the GI showed that while he had reflux everything was the correct shape size and position. Unfortunately with reflux, it meant that he would have to have the MRI under anesthesia. It was also determined by this point that my little man would in fact need surgery. No matter what the cause of the problem, he had a problem and it would take a while to figure out how to fix it- whether that was surgery for a spinal issue (that the MRI would show), or therapy. Surgery was scheduled for Wednesday and we were told that we could get discharged Monday night and come back Wednesday for surgery- allowing him to celebrate his first Christmas at home!

Come Monday night that bubble was burst- if he was discharged, he becomes outpatient which means it will take weeks to months to get the surgery and MRI scheduled- so while it was our decision, it became obvious that he would not be home for Christmas. So with surgery looming, I made my way back home to a gloomy un-Christmas-spirit-filled house.

 I stayed with him Christmas night for the early surgery, and held him next to me all night, afraid to let him go. Six thirty came fast and GiGi Khris and grandma Shell came to sit with me. They explained everything and I signed the papers, trying to keep composure. I was ok when they took him and sat trying to remain calm until the 30 minutes later when the surgeon came out and told me he was done and all went well. My breaking point was when I saw him in recovery, my poor little boy, he had been through so much in his seven short weeks of life. He was stronger than any person I knew and certainly stronger than me! Looking at this little miracle in my arms, I knew that my life would have never been complete had he not been born into it.

When anesthesia wore off, I lost it again- he was in so much pain and I couldn't do anything. They needed to give him meds and they hadn't in post-op and they couldn't do it fast enough. He finally wore himself out and we all discovered that there was not a tissue to be found on his floor. This also happened to be the day a very bad snow storm came through and daddy couldn't make it up. 

MRI was scheduled for Friday morning and we looked forward to his return home that night. Daddy was off work, so he came up in the afternoon. Caden went under anesthesia again for his MRI and they had to start another IV after he got out because they had lost his first one. We waited for the results, and luckily everything came back OK- BUT since he had anesthesia we wouldn't be going home until the next day so they could monitor him for 24 hours.

SO- after one week plus one day in the hospital, we FINALLY made it home. With more blankets, stuffed animals and medical supply than we could imagine!


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