Turn that light on ONE MORE TIME

So after someone- possibly someone related to me now by marriage- shared a little flu/sick/crud bug with the husband, I am running on pretty much no sleep. If I do happen to fall asleep it seems like it is the same time he goes into a hacking fit- or like this morning at the ripe hour of three am- he TURNS THE BATHROOM LIGHT ON so he can go... That would be why the Little Mermaid Nightlight stays attached to the wall- because as countless studies have shown, turning on lights even further disrupts your sleep pattern and makes it harder not only to go back to sleep, but to have a restful sleep. Not making this up people, there is research out there.

After the three am light incident, he turns the hallway light on to say goodbye- not cool buddy not cool. So I have been even less of a peach today and I blame my sleepless cohort. My ability to sleep has officially gone away- there is no comfortable position, everything makes my legs hurt, my back ache and my head has taken up a throbbing sensation requiring prescription strength meds come nine pm.

And that's about all I have... if I continue someone will start throwing rocks at me for complaining and as much as I love my husband, son, puppy and life- but if one of the previous don't evacuate my body soon- I think that I may get worse.... be warned!


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