Five weeks to go....

OK- So really it is five weeks and 2 days- but for my sanity let's just round to a nice even five weeks. I had a much needed massage appointment today and not only does it seem to do wonders for my muscles, but my overall attitude as well. Managed to pull a muscle in my shoulder the other day- I got the look from hubby as he reprimanded me for doing too much. I have adjusted my work goal to make it until November 2nd and then see if I can squeeze another week in- but the last day will inevitably be the 9th- it is just getting very overwhelming to make the drive every day, get up and be ready each morning and then by the time I get home so much still needs done and I just feel overwhelmed. 

The doctor appointment went well Tuesday- he measured in at 5 pounds 1 ounce,and the tech said again that he is long and skinny. Which would be just like BOTH parents when they were young and even one into their high school years- before people start throwing the "little just like dad" comments at the pregnant Stay-Puff Marshmallow man. The tech couldn't see his neck to check on his thyroid, but everything else checked out, and unlike last week, he passed the Non Stress Test on the first round and didn't need any extra time to count movements. I also met with the Lactation Specialist, and was able to talk with her. Just like so many other things, I was warned that my pre-standing health issues may cause some problems or difficulties when he is born and I try nursing, but only time will tell, and she was hopeful that everything would be fine based on how the pregnancy has gone.

I was also only up .6 pounds! Yay me- well typically you gain a pound a week in the last part of the pregnancy, and only half of that goes to baby- little snot- so I am hoping that he is just finally realizing that mom does know best and he doesn't need any further insulation and should just focus on bulking himself up. Last night he was doing full on kicks. Since he has been head down the whole time- the movements are really just him stretching out, and maybe rolling over- but more often than not it feels like he is just curling and uncurling.  I showed dad my stomach last night and he was amazed that you could see him moving so much. It really was the most we had seen him wiggle yet. Soon he will be too big to wiggle around much, and then he will have all the wiggle room he wants after he gets out (hint hint little man).

Officially got thank-you cards finished- since the pictures we had taken were done and ordered, I will finally send them out tomorrow. I am usually very timely with things like that, and feel awful for not having them done sooner, but hopefully my family will enjoy the pics we did get done and realize that they were worth the wait :)

Glider, swing and bedroom is all ready for baby. We are still figuring out the monitor- it's video one, and has a pad that goes under the mattress to detect when baby isn't moving, a SIDS alert type thing, but I can't seem to find a way to turn the pad option off without making the base alarm like Fort Knox. The only problem I found after rearranging the living room furniture for the relocation of Viennas cage is that now my "spot" on the couch is the section that is broke and doesn't recline.... basically something will have to change to fix that. We also realized that we have NO idea where a Christmas tree is going this year. Guess we will find out in two months!

That's about all the updates for now, going to enjoy some Oreos and milk, play some fetch with Vienna and wait for dad to get back from his important meeting. It's nice to finally feel like things are starting to fall into place for him. I on the other hand received a lovely surprise when my Department of Education withdrawal for the month increased 230%- yes two hundred thirty percent!!! I guess after having one full year out of college that is how much your income should increase- someone should really pass that info onto employers. Not a bump we were expecting at this point, but certainly all the more of a reason to find something more suitable after Little Man arrives. I keep telling myself that things will work out, I've never been a big "prayer" type, and not because I don't want to, it just hasn't been natural for me to think that you don't make your own opportunities and choices. So I just look at everything as another challenge to overcome and I guess it is true that what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger- or less likely to repeat what you did again!!

PS- Baby Boy also has a name.... well, he has for some time now, and while dad is a little more sold on it than I am, being able to call him by his name has made it grow on me a little more- but don't you worry, everyone will find out at the same time- when he arrives!!! :)


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