
Showing posts from September, 2012

8 x 7 = 56

FIFTY SIX- that is how many days until my "due date"!! That is just unbelievable! 35 days to work, eight weeks total to go... It feels like we could never be this close to the finish line, and yet it is still so far away. His room is about 100% ready- decor wise at least...   All the Nemo has been added and daddy and I are both pretty happy with the way that it turned out. My favorite part has to be above the crib with the little saying. Should you not recall the part- Marlin (Nemo's dad) tells Squirt (Crush the turtles son) "Look, you're really cute. but I can't understand a word you are saying." It is when Squirt is explaining to him how to exit the Swirling Vortex of Terror...    Good afternoon. We're gonna have a great jump today. Okay, first crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. There's a screaming bottom curve, so watch out. Remember: rip it, roll it, and punch it .  Another favorite has to be the Twilight

A little buzz kill

So if I had any sliver of sanity left, I watched it go out the window yesterday in what has been one of the worst and scary experiences of this pregnancy. Yesterday morning after getting up, letting Vienna out, cleaning her cage, getting ready for work and then making the amazing trek to work- I realized the lack of little man. I could feel him if I pushed on my stomach- but movements were none. Now, trying not to go into full fledged panic mode, I figured he was just a little out of it and would wake up soon to continue his routine of disrupting my breaths and testing the strength of my bladder. I was up and down at work all day- when the state requires you get certain reporting in, it tends to put a damper on things, I drank cold water, cold chocolate milk, hot chocolate, ate a candy bar, a cheese stick and went up and down the stairs a few times, and by the time lunch came, not only was I not hungry- but I was about two seconds from an admit to the psych ward. After lunch I tex

Starting the final countdown!

In less than 24 hours- we will officially be single digit weeks away from meeting this little Squishy inside me. It’s so hard to believe it is that close already, and yet I am bracing myself for what I have been warned is the longest wait of all. I told dad that I think if he gets any lower he will be waving to passer-bys. I don’t know how him “dropping” is going to go because there just isn’t any more room down there! With   his arrival so close, it is setting in all the things that I want to make sure are ready: we still haven’t picked a pediatrician , no mattress cover , no carseat , no glider - I haven’t made an appointment with the lactation specialist , a hospital bag isn’t packed yet , we haven’t discussed what will happen when I do go into labor: who will be there, when do we want to call people, who will be welcome when we get home, etc. I am of the personal belief that we don’t need to even call anyone until I am close to pushing. People hovering over me makes me ner

Pity Party of One with a Side of Attention!!

I need a sign: Unless you have something incredibly nice, uplifting and that can in no way shape or form be taken the wrong way to say- then shut it and move on.  Basically my hormones are hitting with a vengeance. I have never felt more unstable and just ready to explode, cry or flip out at any given moment. Yes, I know it’s all normal and just part of the joys of pregnancy- well I have too much going on to handle this little piece of joy! Husbands should receive a handbook at this point in the pregnancy, telling them that everything they do should center around their wife.   I should be the focus of you right now- not your job, not your mom, you rcomputer, not your truck/car/four-wheeler/garden- ME . I need attention. I need a back-rub, a warm bath, reassurance that you realize I am going through a ton emotionally and physically and I am at the end of my rope.  You know that squirmy little baby coming out of me in a few weeks? Well right now I am the preparation for it-

Living for the moment

We have hit thirty weeks- and I can honestly say that the hormones from the previous weeks have NOTHING on the current ones. It has been a very hectic and emotional ride in our house lately. To begin, I get a phone call from my husband that his mother is a mess because she got word that her brother was found deceased and very little information is known about how/ etc. She stays at our house that night so that he could take her to see his grandmother (her mother) the next day and break the news to her with the rest of her family, That morning at 4am I am woken up by her hysterically crying I wake my husband to check on her, and we discover her sister has called to say that her mother passed away that night. The only positive being that the family didn't have to break the news about her son and she passed away peacefully in her sleep. " Did you ever wonder what it would be like if you weren't you anymore? If you were suddenly gone how would your world react? Whatever

He is taking over

The babies of the house... Vienna and her competition! So the "Mom" shower is Saturday, thrown by J & J, my mom and hubby's mom- unfortunately hubby's mom won't be able to make it as in a very unhappy turn of events two family members passed away this week and she will be spending time with her family. So despite her worries and anxiety over not being there, I know it will be wonderful and she will be there in spirit. She brought over her gifts last night (as well as the gifts from her mother that Baby Boy will never get to meet), and just seeing everything makes it so much more REAL! I know I keep saying that, but the closer it gets, the more he moves and the more decorated his room gets with little (now good smelling) baby stuff- the more reality sinks that he will be here in a little more than 10 short weeks! We hit the 29 week mark Saturday and I feel it! Our friend finally had her little girl, Maci Rae, yesterday- 8:11, 8lb 8oz, and I am so j

Labor Day Reflections

So much excitement in our house! Crib is ready, the walls are slowly getting filled with Nemo decor and the clothes are clean and ready for a squishy baby boy to fill them! Daddy finally mentioned a name he didn't hate- so we are on a good track! But don't get too excited, it will be secret for a little while longer. Over the past week, I think I have popped out- my belly button has disappeared and my stomach muscles have begun revolting against the extra space! I thought the back pain was bad before- oh it has nothing on the newest pains. On a more positive note, I also broke down and bought a pregnancy pillow (courtesy of zulily)- worth every penny, I wish I would have done it sooner. Everything I read said not to spend the money- that body pillows and changing the placement of your regular pillows would be sufficient- so very un-true. I'm up to about 5-10 contractions a week- more at night than during the day. It does seem like they are more frequent and certainly g