Goober... because it has been a while

It's been almost EIGHT MONTHS since I've really done an update on Mr. Thing.

After surgery for a Posterior Laryngeal Cleft, a slight one. He seems to be eating much better. Now that the summer months are here he is back to not eating a ton, so Pediasure is a once a day thing again, but that was expected. I have very happily, not had to make any more phone calls for therapies!!

He is growing like a bad weed, and has to be near three feet tall, going on six! Also part trapeze artist and has zero fear and NO off switch. With everything going on, he doesn't seem very bothered. He loves spending time with his grandparents and cousins. The sitter makes off handed comments to me occasionally that rub me the wrong way, and I just tell myself that small minded people have small thoughts and smile and nod. 

We have entered the "potty training" stage... Lord help us all!! He knows how to use the potty. He just decides when he would like to actually use that skill. As of now, he chooses if he wants a Pull-Up or diaper, and I haven't done much with underwear. In the TMI department, he pooped NEXT to the potty, on his stool at the sitters last week, and then proceeded to tell anyone that would listen, that he had "a really big poop." I blame grandPaul for having such pride in those accomplishments. His cousins are his favorite things right now: Lily and Charlie. Also, he is insanely obsessed with my dads girlfriends granddaughter (did you manage to follow that??)- Baby Rylan, he asks that immediately after he asks when we will see grandPaul. 

I am hoping to get him into a swim class here soon, and next year, if potty training goes successfully, he will be able to get into SOCCER!!! The grandma and grandpa Ball will have all sorts of fun with him. 

He is still a typical boy, puddles, bugs and dirt. Any bike or fourwheeler he wants to ride, as well as any open front seat- he'll just pop himself right up there and pretend to drive. It just amazes me the imagination he has! He will pretend to be animals now, and you have to play along. He loves to pretend to cook as well, and he'll make you food, or he will just sit with  his toys for hours and have a whole little scenario going on, it just blows my mind. I have yet to figure out when my little Tubie got to be so big!!
Shelly, Charlie, me, Goober, and GrandPaul

"Puppy Bath" at Build a Bear

He took my ice cream

My little ham
I said you can have ONE toy... Smart kid

Lily Bug :)

His fishing skills at the Childrens Museum

Shopping at the Childrens Museum


Water Baby! Him and Lily

My Crazy man


He LOVES Stingrays

He was using me as a stepstool

Charlie & Goober.. bathtime

Pushing Charlie in the Raptor

Cheesin It

His Boots in the Rain

Snake and I after Mudder- we had "Have you seen my Kid?
 on our legs

Snake "Charlie <3" n his arm, pre-mudder

My Goober love pre-mudder

Me and Lillers

He peed on the floor... and had to clean it lol

He was sneaking girl undies into my cart!

Caught in the act!!

Uncle Jake Snake with Both kids


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